ConsenSys Academy Module 5 Prediction Market

The project will start as a database whereby:

  • as a regular user, you can create a prediction market for dice roll games and become the markets owner

  • as an owner, you can add and withdraw funds from the prediction market

  • as an administrator, you can start a new dice roll game.

  • as an administrator, you can set and update the winning odds on a dice roll game.

  • a prediction market must have sufficient funds to pay out on any winning bets

  • as a regular user you can bet on an outcome of a dice roll.

  • as a administrator, you can trigger a dice roll for a specific game via OraclizeIt

  • as a regular user, you can withdraw any winnings

  • This project uses a hub & spoke model where the hub contract creates prediction markets (spokes) and handles the user interactions


  • Add more tests
  • Add a UI to use new contract interface