
Create a grid with JS that will change color when one hovers over with the mouse

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Create a grid with JS that will change color when one hovers over with the mouse

Project Goals:

x Create a webpage with a 16x16 grid of square divs with JS

x Set up a “hover” effect so that the grid divs change color when your mouse passes over them, leaving a (pixelated) trail through your grid like a pen would.

x Add a button to the top of the screen that will send the user a popup asking for the number of squares per side for the new grid. Once entered, the existing grid should be removed and a new grid should be generated in the same total space as before

x Add a butoon that toggles the 'grid' functionality

x Zoom functionality

o Etch-a-Sketch Styling

o Resize board with screensize

Skills Demonstrated:

o ability to manipulate the DOM with Javascript

o add event handlers to buttons