Universal file server for YOURLS plugin development

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Universal file server and file storage service for YOURLS

Provides links to files while obfuscating filesystem paths, allowing easy, secure access to files between plugins or from 3rd party scripts.

In detail:

Given the following parameters:

  1. key => Access key
  2. id => plugin ID
  3. fn => filename

This script will:

  1. Retrieve the file store location per plugin, can be from a database
  2. Retrieve a particular file from the store (in or preferably out of the server doc root)
  3. Return a time limited link to that file

Use (with YOURLS)

  1. Copy the usrv folder of this repo into /path/to/YOURLS/user/plugins/
  2. Enable the plugin as any other.

The script should automatically

  1. Copy srv.php to /path/to/YOURLS/user/pages/
  2. Install a database table to store uploaded file data
  3. Create the default cache location

At once you should be able to

  1. Upload files via a web browser that will be accessible via U-SRV
  2. Call U-SRV with a GET request from https://sho.rt/srv/
  3. Use any plugin that utilizes U-SRV (listed below)


To be sent as a GET request. All parameters are required.

  • eg. https://sho.rt/srv/?id=ID_VALUE&key=KEY_VALUE&fn=FILE_NAME_VALUE

Access Key

The url's created with this script live for a maximum of 1 minute. This helps prevent unwanted hotlinking, etc.
To set up your own access key just add something equivalent to the following to your plugin or script:

$now = date("YmdGi");
$id = 'My_Fancy_Plugin';
$key = md5($now . $id);

U-SRV will also set a cookie for use with javascript, etc. as
$cname = "usrv_" . $id;
where $cname is the name of the cookie.


Add a new case with an arbitrary ID and file store location to the ID section of srv.php. Send this same ID with the GET request.

  • In this example the store location is retrieved from a database as a typical YOURLS option:
case 'ID_VALUE':
	$path = yourls_get_option('YOUR_CACHE_PATH');
  • In this example the store filepath is set explicitly:
case 'ID_VALUE':
	$path = '/path/to/your/files/');

File info

The filename is set explicitly as a regular GET value.
Mime types must be set expllicitly in the script in order to set header information correctly, and are restricted as an extra security measure. To add a new filetype, just add a new case to the Mime Types section of srv.php, check MIMETYPES.md for an exhaustive (?) list of examples.

  • In order to allow the passing of a tar.gz file, add the following: - 'case "gz": $ctype="application/x-gzip"; break;`


  • Compatability with YOURLS 1.7.9 + (tested against this commit)
  • v2.0.0 and on is a complete rewrite and is not backwards compatible. Update your plugins accordingly.
  • U-SRV is pre-configured for the default filetypes used by the YOURLS IQRCodes and Snapshot Visual Preview plugins.
  • As should be obviouse, this script can be easily modified for use outside of the YOURLS environment.
  • Increasing apache's SSL Renegotiation Buffer Size may save you a headache. Simply add something like the following to the host file:
<location '/admin/plugins.php' >
	  	SSLRenegBufferSize 10486000
  • set define( 'USRV_DB_UPDATE', true ); in config.php in order to update DB from versions earlier than 1.5.0. After one page load delte this option.

Plugins using this script


Dogecoin: DARhgg9q3HAWYZuN95DKnFonADrSWUimy3


Copyright (C) 2016 Josh Panter

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.