
Fun C++: Simple console output with colors, bold, italics, and emojis!

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Fun C++: Console

Build Status

C++ should be fun! This project allows for printing to the console with colors, bold, italics, and emojis!

The Kitchen Sink

Check out everything Fun Console can do:

#include "console.h"

void kitchenSink()
  fun::console("A new line is printed by default.");
  fun::console("Emojis are supported: :musical note: Baby :shark:, do do "
               ":musical note:");
  fun::console("*Bold* and _italic_ markdown text is supported.");
  fun::console("And "

int main()
  return 0;

Build it!

Fun Console works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. To build it, you will need to install CMake, Ninja, and a C++ compiler. Once you have those just run this command from a terminal:

> ./build # or build.bat on Windows

Check out the artifacts/Debug/src directory - the Kitchen Sink demo should be there in an executable named fun-console (or fun-console.exe on Windows).

Use it!

Check out this example project to see how to use Fun Console in your C++ project with CMake.