
Duplicate aware scheduling experimentation framework leveraging Emulab network emulation testbed

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Duplicate Aware Scheduling

The goal of this project is to quantitatively measure the effects of duplicate aware scheduling on a real distributed application. For more details, refer to the report under report/report.pdf.

This repository contains a plethora of bash scripts which compose to run experiments, tweaking various parameters of YCSB and memcached. At a high level, a configurable number of clients and servers are set up via ssh on appropriately named hosts managed by (Emulab)[https://www.emulab.net/] and described by the ns-2 script emulab.tcl. A brief explanation of each directory and its contents follows:


This repository relies on modified versions of YCSB and memcached which it stores as submodules to distinct clones also owned by joshpfosi. When cloning this repository be sure to do one of the following:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/joshpfosi/dup_aware_scheduling.git

OR after cloning, execute:

git submodule init
git submodule update


The build directory is comprised of two kinds of scripts build-* and setup-*. The former are ran locally and run the corresponding setup-* script on the relevant client or server hosted by Emulab. After swapping in the experiment on Emulab, running

build/build-emulab <NUM_CLIENTS> <NUM_SERVERS>

will execute all other build-* scripts in the appropriate order. The scripts run on remote hosts in parallel using subshells. Refer to individual scripts for usage, parameters, and primary function. They are mostly self-documenting.

Additionally, the build directory contains copies of the libraries required to run the experiments: libevent, memcached and YCSB. You may notice that YCSB is copied into two directories. YCSB_unaware is, as its name implies, a vanilla clone of YCSB and so therefore does not send duplicate requests. YCSB_aware, on the other hand, will send duplicate requests.


This directory contains a handful of scripts which at one point or another were useful for collecting or aggregating data. The ones of most general utility are:

  • experiment - Runs an experiment with a variety of configuration options
  • full-experiment - Runs a given configuration (see experiment) with both duplicate unaware and aware scheduling
  • run-client - Runs a YCSB client on remote hosts
  • run-server - Runs a memcached server on remote hosts
  • kill-experiments - Kills any currently running experiments on Emulab clients or servers

Running an Experiment

The simplest procedure to run an experiment after swapping in on Emulab is:

./build/build-emulab 24 8 # 24 clients and 8 servers
./bin/full-experiment workload1 4 output 1000 10 24 8 1000

# This spins up 8 memcached instances each with 4 threads, 24 YCSB instances each
# with 10 threads, generates a workload defined by `workload1` using a record size
# of 1 KB, and consisting of 1000 operations, and outputs all debug and
# experimental output to `output_dir/*`

Comp 112 Final Project Notes

Building and Installation of libevent

 $ ./configure --disable-openssl # El Capitan does not support this easily
 $ make
 $ make verify   # (optional)
 $ sudo make install


Processing Flow

  1. Sets up an array of worker threads
  2. Each thread runs event_base_loop which is fine-grained libevent API to notify thread of incoming events
  3. Each thread maintains a queue of TCP connections (new_conn_queue)
  • pops off and initializes as new connections come in
  • see thread.c:setup_thread: Thread is initialized to listen for new connections (event_init) with a persistent (meaning it listens forever, opposed to listening for 1 event then dying), read-triggered (event handler called if fd is readable) event. Action on this event calls thread_libevent_process which registers the new connection.
  • NOTE: If set up for UDP, this queue raises an exception
  1. Each new connection (appears) to be initialized via memcached.c:conn_new which sets up the libevent handler event_handler w/ flags set by the thread
  • event_handler calls drive_machine which handles all kinds of events (i.e. switches on c->state)


  • 4 worker threads by default for TCP connections
  • memcached uses an old version of Libevent (entirely deprecated methods -- should be okay)
  • memcached allocates a total (by default) of 1024 possible connections
  • Main thread uses dispatch_conn_new to select the next thread (last_thread + 1 % num_threads which is global var) and round-robins incoming connections to each thread
    • it allocates a "new_connection_queue item" and populates it with the fd, event_flags and other data before pushing it onto the connection queue of the chosen thread
  • Each new thread grabs one of these connections in thread_libevent_process by checking for the flag 'c' char on their input fd and then popping from their new_connection queue

Duplicate Aware Scheduling

Implementation Plan

  • Modify memcached to use priority event_base i.e. * event_base_priority_init(&base, 2);
    • priority 0 => PRIMARY
    • priority 1 => DUP
    • NOTE: May need to use event_priority_init() as memcached uses an older libevent version
  • We can set up events to have a given priority
  • Libevent priority semantics are precisely what we need i.e. (this reference)[http://www.wangafu.net/~nickm/libevent-book/Ref4_event.html]:

When multiple events of multiple priorities become active, the low-priority events are not run. Instead, Libevent runs the high priority events, then checks for events again. Only when no high-priority events are active are the low-priority events run.

  • As long as we can have separate events (i.e. separate file descriptors with flags EV_READ | EV_PERSIST) we are all set
  • This implies that memcached must establish separate TCP connections for primary and duplicate requests (in order to have separate sockets)

Processing Flow (Simplified)

  1. Start memcached
  2. Designate dispatcher thread
  3. Create 4 worker threads (setup_thread and create_worker)
  • dispatcher thread listens on port for new connections
  • sets up a Libevent base in each worker thread which listens on dispatcher pipe for new connections sent by dispatcher
  1. Client A connects
  • dispatcher thread delegates new connection in round-robin fashion to next thread which adds a new event to listen on that socket for incoming requests
  • dispatcher thread instantiates a new connection queue item and populates it with connection information which the thread then pops off

Each thread logically manages a pipe file descriptor for new connections and one or more sockets for active connections. New connections are handled via libevent_thread_process => conn_new and requests are handled via event_handler => drive_machine => <state transitions>.

Leveraging the round-robin implementation of Memcached connection allocation, our duplicate-aware client can maintain 42n connections for a given n Memcached instances. This first 4 such connections will correspond to file descriptors in Memcached with priority 0, and therefore will be used for primary requests to each of the four threads. The next four (via hardcoding) will correspond to file descriptors in Memcached with priority 1, and therefore will be used for duplicate requests.

The remaining questions are to determine how our client will distribute the key space over multiple Memcached instances and what workload will effectively demonstrate the benefit of duplicate requests.

Running memcached:

./memcached -vv -p 8888

Running YCSB:

./bin/ycsb run memcached -P workloads/workloada

NOTE: if you receive an error such as:

memcached: error while loading shared libraries: libevent-2.1.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This can be fixed with a symlink:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libevent-2.1.so.5 /usr/lib/libevent-2.1.so.5

Source: http://www.nigeldunn.com/2011/12/11/libevent-2-0-so-5-cannot-open-shared-object-file-no-such-file-or-directory/