a collection of bash scripts to automate some common things, like initializing a git repo and provision a project directory structure. Contents include:
is a copy of https://github.com/chrissimpkins/scriptacular/tree/master/version-controlmkproj
structures a directory with guiding principals from Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing.- only an ArcMap option exists currently, because of all the NRS522 maps
This requires bash access. Mac and Unix machines will have it natively; Windows users should install Git and use Git Bash or similar.
- Clone the repo to your local machine
- In a bash window, open either
(or create if necessary) and paste the following:BASH_SCRIPT_DIRECTORY="/c/proj/code/bash-scripts" alias gitinit="$BASH_SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/gitinit.sh" alias mkproj="$BASH_SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/mkproj.sh"
- Change the value of
to where you've cloned the repo. - Alternatively, change the names of the alias to whatever you'd like.
- Either reopen bash or type:
source ~/.bash_profile