Modules that extend Framer.js
A module and corresponding Sketch plugin that make it trivial to work with SVG Paths in Framer.
Install the Sketch Plugin; select any path layer and run it. This automatically copies code to your clipboard.
In Framer Studio, after installing the module and importing it, create SVGLayers like so
{SVGLayer} = require "SVGLayer"
layer = new SVGLayer
Then paste in what the Sketch plugin copied, which will look something like this:
layer = new SVGLayer
strokeWidth: 4
width: 324
height: 324
path: '<path d="M162,324 C251.470129,324 324,251.470129 324,162 C324,72.5298705 251.470129,0 162,0 C72.5298705,0 0,72.5298705 0,162 C0,251.470129 72.5298705,324 162,324 Z"></path>'
Use dashOffset to animate a path from start to end.
layer = new SVGLayer
dashOffset: 0
# include other constructor options from example above
dashOffset: 1
<string> (options: "round", "square", "butt")fill
<string> (css color)stroke
<string> (css color)strokeWidth
<string> (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0)
Use layer.pathLength to get the length of the SVG path
Head over to Medium to read Working with SVG Paths in Framer.