

Primary LanguageTSQL

YancyTest README.md

This is a test of Yancy

You can test this with

mysql -e 'create database yancytest'
mysql yancytest < tables.sql
cat "$your_connectstring_here" > ~/.yancytest-connectstring.txt
    # example connect string looks like: 'mysql://username:password@hostname/test;mysql_ssl=1'
plackup yancytest.pl

OR just set up ~/.yancytest-connectstring.txt to connect to your existing database and run:

plackup yancytest.pl

This will run a server at port 5000 as per plackup docs.

You can then connect to it in a web browser with


and you can see the API exposed at


This project implements preaction's suggestion at https://gist.github.com/preaction/edcd513769cb61a1e08637d881626f1b which is:

my $schema = $app->yancy->schema;
for my $key ( keys %$schema ) {
    my $props = $schema->{ $key }{ properties };
    $schema->{ $key }{ 'x-list-columns' } = [ grep { $props->{$_}{format} ne 'textarea' } keys %$props ];

See also preaction/Yancy#46, "Better default x-list-columns"