
A Discord bot for organising pickup games.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Discord bot for organising pickup games.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the bot up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Although these steps make use of yarn, npm can be used too.


  • Node.js
  • yarn (Optional)
  • A Discord app token - go here and create a new app, you can then reveal the token on the app's page


Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/joshramsbottom/pugbot.git

Inside the directory, install required packages

yarn install

Lastly, create a file named .env, see Setting up .env file for what to put in it


To run the bot in development mode with live reloading

yarn run develop

To compile the source and run manually

yarn run build
yarn start

Setting up .env file

Pugbot uses environment variables for configuration, these are read from a file named .env in the root project directory when running the bot. This file should not be checked into version control and should be environment specific.

The contents of the file should be a series of lines containing VAR_NAME=VALUE where the following variables can be used:

Variable name Value
TOKEN Token generated by Discord for your app
OWNERS List of Discord user IDs
PUGS_CHANNEL Discord channel ID
PUGS_ROLE Discord role ID
TEMP_CHANNEL_LIFETIME Time to keep temporary pickup game channels (milliseconds)
TEAM_SIZE Number of players that make up a team in your chosen game
IDLE_TIME Time after user goes AFK in Discord before they are removed from the queue (milliseconds)
TANK_ROLE Discord role ID
DPS_ROLE Discord role ID
SUPPORT_ROLE Discord role ID
TANK_EMOJI Discord emoji ID

An example .env file might look something like:

TOKEN=<insert token here>

How to get a role ID from Discord

While getting the ID of most things in Discord (channels, users) normally involves right click > "Copy ID", this does not currently work for roles on a Discord server.

In order to get a role's ID make sure the role is mentionable in server settings, then type this in a channel (note that this will actually also mention users with the role):


Your message should turn into something that looks like this after sending:


The numeric part is the ID of the role you mentioned.

How to get an emoji ID from Discord

This is very similar to getting a role ID from Discord.

Just type the emoji name, including the surrounding :, preceeded by a \:


Your message should turn into something that looks like this after sending:


The entire message including the <> is the emoji ID.

Built with

  • discord.js - A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
  • Commando - Official command framework for discord.js
  • dotenv - Load environment variables from .env file


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE for details