
OVERVIEW: This project uses MATLAB's computer vision toolbox to track muscle structures during dynamic ultrasound imaging.

NOTE: I'll try to comment this code and post any improvements. If you are interested in using this code, please feel free to use and reference our work.

Drazan JF, Hullfish TJ, Baxter JR. 2019. An automatic fascicle tracking algorithm quantifying gastrocnemius architecture during maximal effort contractions. PeerJ Preprints 7:e27475v1 https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.27475v1

NOTE: complete data from the fascicle tracking algorithm development/validation are hosted on https://zenodo.org/record/2598553

Before we get started, just a friendly reminder that you get what you pay for... while the goal of this project is to help others with tracking ultrasound videos of muscle contractions, I am not a software developer and cannot provide high quality support but I'll try.... probably.

To get started, download the code and ultrasound folder.

tracking/main.m will run the example code and get you started.