
Elixir Mix Task to precompile erlydtl templates

Primary LanguageElixir


This is an Elixir Mix task for precompiling erlydtl templates in your Elixir library.

  def project do
    [ app: :my_app,
      version: "0.1.2",
      elixir: "~> 0.10.3",
      deps: deps,
      erlydtl: [template_path: 'templates',
                template_namespace: :my_app_templates,
                template_out_dir: "ebin"]]
    # add exlydtl to your deps. it already depends on erlydtl so you
    # shouldn't need both, but you can add it with 'override: true' if 
    # you want to call it out explicitly.
    defp deps do
        [{:exlydtl, path: "../exlydtl"}]


shell$ mix erlydtl.compile

The above configuration is the default.


  • allow separate template compilation (one .beam per template)