
BBC Accessibility Standards Checker

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

# BBC Accessiblity Standards

This tool runs a set of tests against a given URL to verify whether it meets the BBC accessibility standards.

How to use

Run the a11y command, passing a URL:


a11y http://bbc.co.uk

You can also pass arguments to Cucumber (which is used internally) by separating the arguments with --. Everything after the -- is passed directly to Cucumber. For example, to skip the tests that require manual interraction:

a11y http://bbc.co.uk -- -t ~@manual

How to install

A11y is packaged as a Ruby gem, but is not yet available on the public Rubygems server. To install it, you'll need to either build it by hand, or add a reference to the github source in your Gemfile.


Install Ruby and gem install bundler.

Adding a11y to your project's Gemfile

Open your project's Gemfile and this line:

gem 'bbc-a11y`, git: 'git@github.com:mattwynne/bbc-a11y.git'

Now install the gem:

bundle install --binstubs

Note: You'll need to make sure every user who wants to run bundle install (including your continuous integration environment) has at least read access to this Github project.

Build and install the gem manually

This will install the a11y tool globally on your machine.

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Install dependencies

    cd bbc-a11y
    bundle install
  3. Install the gem

    bundle exec rake install