Create MLFlow service running on kubernetes

Follow along in order


2021 Article

Minikube 2020 article

Step 1: Create Kind Cluster (If using Kind)

kind create cluster --name mlflow-cluster --config=kind-spec.yaml

Step 2: Add Postgres Repo to Helm

helm repo add bitnami

Step 3: Install Postgres using Helm

helm upgrade mlflow-postgres -f postgres/values.yaml bitnami/postgresql --install

Step 4: Install Minio

helm upgrade -f minio/values.yaml mlflow-minio minio/minio --install

(Optional) Step 5: Build mLFlow Container

If you want to build your own container of MLFlow you can use the dockerfile in the directory. Otherwise the image is uploaded to dockerhub DockerHub MLFlow Server

docker build --tag joshsgoldstein/mlflow-server:latest ml-flow/.

Step 6: Apply Deployment YAML for MLFlow Container

k apply -f ml-flow-deployment.yaml