
Experimental retry alternative

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An experimental alternative to retrying assertions.

What then?

Keeping track of important Promises, at boundaries in the application. When they are crated they get added to a list. When they are resolved or rejected they get removed from that list.

When a test needs to wait for all outstanding work to be done, before asserting about a final state, it can wait for the list of pending promises to be finished (resolved or rejected).


const TrackedPromise = require("tracked-promise");

async function exampleAsyncTest() {
  const database = TrackedPromise.createProxy(new Database());
  const serverApp = new ServerApp({ database });
  const browserApp = new BrowserApp({ serverApp });

  // may fail with 'Gave up waiting for: Pending Database.slowOperation()'
  await browserApp.triggerSlowDatabaseOperation();

  // may fail with 'Pending Database.methodThatReturnedTooEarly()'
  await TrackedPromise.waitForPendingPromisesToFinish();