SPXR SierraChart Custom Study

This study is designed to simplify the management of drawings on SierraChart. Drawings can be maintained in a shared Google Sheet.

Building the Study

This study must be built within SierraChart or locally with a C++ compiler per the instructions here: https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/HowToBuildAnAdvancedCustomStudyFromSourceCode.html

Note that this repo includes various SierraChart header files that are already in the ACS_Source folder. They're in this repo only because they're needed to compile locally outside of that ACS_Source directory. The only files required to build are the GoogleSheetImporterV2.cpp and colormap.h files.

At present, the source defaults the Google Sheet to my own test/dev sheet. I recommend that you set up your own sheet and modify the line setting that default.


Once you've built the study, it will be available to add to your charts. The settings are pretty self-explanatory. The one default you'll probably want to change is the "show price" default.