
General utilites for bash, powershell, AWS CLI, etc

Primary LanguagePowerShell


General utilites for bash, powershell, AWS CLI, etc.

Currently only Powershell configurations get built, but support for other terminal configurations could be added using the same command and configuration structure.

There are commands, which simply include a script (and optionally aliases), and templates, which generate a script from their configuration object.

Configuration is a JSON object that gets passed to script_builder.py.

The configuration builds a powershell script to a specified filename, and this can be used as a Powershell profile script.


The configuration is currently very loosely defined and will change in the future. The configuration is a JSON object with the following structure:

    "commands": [ 
            "script_name": "script_name.ps1",
            "aliases": {
                "alias1": "alias1_value",
                "alias2": "alias2_value"
    "templates": [
            "str_out": python_fn(args),
            "aliases": [
    "output": "output/path/script_name.ps1"

Within aliases, the key is the alias name (new command), and the value is the command that will be aliased. script_name refers to a script in powershell_utils, and str_out is a string that will be written to a file. This currently requires the JSON to get written programmatically within script_builder.py, so in the future the templates section might take on this format:

    "templates": [
            "template": "template_name.py",
            "args": {
                "arg1": "value1",
                "arg2": "value2"
            "aliases": {
                "alias1": "alias1_value",
                "alias2": "alias2_value"


The script files to contain additional utility functions, which are not listed here. The following notable commands can be included:

Command Script Name Description
RunCommandAtInterval command_utils.ps1 Runs a command at a specified interval (in seconds).
PythonPkgBumpMinor python_pkg.ps1 Bumps the minor version of a python package.
PythonPkgBumpPatch python_pkg.ps1 Bumps the patch version of a python package.
PostPRCleanup git_utils.ps1 Cleans up a branch after a PR is merged. Checks out master, deletes all merged refs, and prunes origin.


Templates are intended to make commands programmatically, usually to extend similar logic to different aliases.


This generates commands to manage EC2 instances. Given an instance_name, instance_id, username, and optionally a pemfile_path, it will yield the following commands:


To get the IP of, start, stop, and ssh into the instance, respectively.