
This repo contains the beginning of the new (2017-2018) robotics software team code

How to upload arduino scripts from the odroid

  1. Make sure the arduino is plugged into the odroid

  2. Copy your arduino source(s) into platformio/src/

  3. Navigate to platformio/ folder

  4. Upload the script via the following command: platformio run -t upload. This will both compile and upload the code.

Note: I didn't look into adding libraries yet but I'm pretty sure you want to place them in the platformio/lib folder. See platformio lib help page to learn more

odroid ip emailer service

The odroid will send an email with its local IP address every time it boots

This was accomplished by running and adding the following line to the crontab via crontab -e:

@reboot /home/odroid/emailer/

Let Peter or David know if you want to be added to this mailing list.

to connect to the odroid from home

  • Open a terminal (I recommend git bash if you're using windows)
  • SSH into Concordia's network with your netname (type the following into the terminal):
  • It should ask you for a password, which will your ENCS password
  • Grab the latest IP address of the odroid from your email, then ssh into it:
ssh odroid@ip_address
  • It should ask you for a password, which will be odroid