Atmospheric Observation System - Automated Weather Balloon Reporting Tool
This is an automated system to be used on weather balloon platforms with SSTV/APRS/AFSK reporting that sends images with data overlayed on top of the image, periodic location updates through APRS, and all other data via AFSK. It uses an integrated DRA818 which is a radio module capable of transmitting on the 2 meter band at 1W allowing for automatic frequency switching to allow for the use of APRS on the popular frequency and AFSK/SSTV on a seperate frequency.
Configuration Guide: Run via bash, this will install all dependencies Download and make pi-sstv with included Makefile, move executable into AOS directory Configure frequencies in ./radio/main/main.ino Configure settings in config.ini Run
Currently working on: DRA818 Module integration with an Arduino Pro Mini Custom PCB to combine all components Webserver for checking on status of sensors so SSH isn't needed for monitoring on the ground Radio/Communication control/queuing system Full installation script for all dependencies.
Please just ignore Act like it doesn't exist. I'm definitely not just overwriting the index.html file in the apache server every 3 seconds. If you act like it doesn't exist it wont hurt you. (This will be updated soon by passing a JSON file instead, it's temporary)
Updated version of AOS-1.0 which was a unnecessary set of scripts that I glued together with a bash script, it's all Python 3 except for the C provided by KI4MCW for SSTV encoding. Now when a new sensor is used you only need to create a new dedicated script for it and plug basic information into the sensors script.
Credit needs to go out to the following for examples/code used: KI4MCW - SSTV C script to convert an image into an audio file - Jerome Loyet - DRA818 Library
cgps to troubleshoot the gps
DS18B20 - Temp Probe
BMP180 - Pressure Sensors
Raspberry Pi Camera - Camera
DRA818 - Radio Module
Needed Python Packages: