Leptos Starter Template

This is a template demonstrating how to integrate TailwindCSS with the Leptos web framework and the trunk tool. Axum support and support for deployment via Shuttle has also been added to this.

Install Tailwind and build the CSS:

Trunk.toml is configured to build the CSS automatically and build the static assets to the backend folder.

While you're building the frontend, you can use trunk to client side render this bundle - you can install it like so:

cargo install trunk Then the site can be served with trunk serve --open

The browser will automatically open

You can begin editing your app at src/app.rs.

When you're ready to build your static assets, you can then build it into your backend folder:

trunk build

To use the backend folder, you'll need to install cargo-shuttle which you can install with the following command (also supports cargo-binstall):

cargo install cargo-shuttle

Then you can start running your app on the backend by using the following command (the following uses aliased cargo commands; for more information, go to .cargo/config.toml):

cargo sh

To deploy your app, you'll want to login to shuttle via GitHub then input your API key into the CLI:

cargo sh-login

Then you can start your project and deploy with the following commands:

cargo start && cargo deploy

If at any point you need to stop your deployed container, you can use cargo stop.

Installing Tailwind

You can install Tailwind using npm:

npm install -D tailwindcss

If you'd rather not use npm, you can install the Tailwind binary here.

Setting up with VS Code and Additional Tools

If you're using VS Code, add the following to your settings.json

  "emmet.includeLanguages": {
    "rust": "html",
    "*.rs": "html"
  "tailwindCSS.includeLanguages": {
      "rust": "html",
      "*.rs": "html"
  "files.associations": {
      "*.rs": "rust"
  "editor.quickSuggestions": {
    "other": "on",
    "comments": "on",
    "strings": true
  "css.validate": false,

Install Tailwind CSS Intellisense.

Install "VS Browser" extension, a browser at the right window.
Allow vscode Ports forward: 3000, 3001.

Notes about Tooling

By default, cargo-leptos uses nightly Rust, cargo-generate, and sass. If you run into any trouble, you may need to install one or more of these tools.

  1. rustup toolchain install nightly --allow-downgrade - make sure you have Rust nightly
  2. rustup default nightly - setup nightly as default, or you can use rust-toolchain file later on
  3. rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown - add the ability to compile Rust to WebAssembly
  4. cargo install cargo-generate - install cargo-generate binary (should be installed automatically in future)
  5. npm install -g sass - install dart-sass (should be optional in future


This is based on the original Tailwind example (../examples/tailwind)