
This is a template repository with the workflows and documentation required to setup an automated technical assessment using apps-script-calendar and an applicant tracking software, i.e. Greenhouse.

Technical Assessment {{ type }}

This is a technical assessment for the position of {{ engineer }} at {{ company }}. The goal of this assessment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your technical skills and abilities. The assessment is designed to be completed in {{ minutes }} minutes. If you are unable to complete the assessment in {{ minutes }} minutes, please submit what you have completed. We will review your submission and follow up with you.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

By cloning this repository, you agree to the following Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Please read the NDA carefully before cloning the repository.

You agree that you will not disclose any information about the assessment to any third party. You also agree that you will not use any information about the assessment for any purpose other than to complete the assessment.

If you are found to have violated the NDA, you will be disqualified from the assessment process. You may also be subject to legal action.


  1. Clone this repository or use GitHub Codespaces to open the repository in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Create a new branch for your changes. It can be whatever you want, but it should be descriptive of the changes you are making. Please only use the one branch for this assessment.
  3. You should use Conventional Commits for your commit messages. Feel free to use as many commits you determine are necessary to complete the assessment.
  4. When you are finished, create a pull request to merge your branch into the main branch. A bot should respond shortly after and close the pull request. You will then lose access to this remote repository. We request you remove the repository from your local machine after you are finished.

User Stories

The following user stories are the requirements for this assessment. You should complete the user stories in the order they are listed.

  • As a ___, I want to ___, so that ___

Local Development

We highly recommend you use GitHub Codespaces to complete this assessment. It will reduce the amount of setup you need to do.


  • Install ___

Run ___
