A simple Backbone plugin for transparent undo/redo on models and collections.
The plugin hooks into change events on models and add/remove events on collections, recording the changes and allowing them to undone or replayed; in order for the UI to update automatically (as in the sample below) on an undo or redo, you should listen to change events on models and add/remove events on collections and update the view appropriately.
Example here: http://dboyce.github.com/Backbone.Regrettable/sample/
The API is attached to Backbone.Regrettable and looks like this:
- bind(object) - tell the plugin to track a model or a collection. Can be called from anywhere, I'd suggest in the initialize function.
- reset() - clear all tracking data (for example, call after a model has been loaded)
- undo() - undo the last action
- redo() - revert the last call to undo
- hasUndo() - checks if there is something to undo
- hasRedo() - checks if there is something to redo
var ItemModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
var ItemList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: ItemModel,
initialize: function() {
Backbone, underscore and jQuery