
📨📱 📦 Laravel 5, 6 and 7 Package for SmsGlobal

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SmsGlobal Laravel Package

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Laravel 5, 6 and 7 Package for SmsGlobal

A Laravel Package for integrating SmsGlobal seamlessly


PHP 5.4+ or HHVM 3.3+, Laravel 5.6+, and Composer are required.

To get the latest version of SmsGlobal Laravel, simply require it

composer require joshuachinemezu/smsglobal-laravel

Or add the following line to the require block of your composer.json file.

"joshuachinemezu/smsglobal-laravel": "^0.1.*"

You'll then need to run composer install or composer update to download it and have the autoloader updated.

Once the package is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php and add the following to the providers key.

'providers' => [

If you use Laravel >= 5.5 you can skip this step and go to configuration

  • JoshuaChinemezu\SmsGlobal\SmsGlobalServiceProvider::class

Also, register the Facade like so:

'aliases' => [
    'SmsGlobal' => JoshuaChinemezu\SmsGlobal\Facades\SmsGlobal::class,


You can publish the configuration file using this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JoshuaChinemezu\SmsGlobal\SmsGlobalServiceProvider"

A configuration-file named smsglobal.php with the defaults will be placed in your config directory:


return [

     * Hash algorithm to use with hash_hmac. Use hash_algos() to get a list of
     * supported algos. SMSGlobal uses sha256

    'hashAlgo' => env('SMSGLOBAL_HASH_ALGO', 'sha256'),

     * API Key: Your SmsGlobal APIKey. Get it from https://mxt.smsglobal.com/integrations
    'apiKey' => env('SMSGLOBAL_API_KEY'),

     * Secret Key: Your SmsGlobal secretKey. Sign up on https://www.smsglobal.com/mxt-sign-up/ to get one from your integrations page
    'secretKey' => env('SMSGLOBAL_SECRET_KEY'),

     * Host name
    'host' => env('SMSGLOBAL_HOST', 'api.smsglobal.com'),

     * Protocol
    'protocol' => env('SMSGLOBAL_PROTOCOL', 'https'),

     * Port
    'port' => env('SMSGLOBAL_PORT', 443),

     * API Version
    'apiVersion' => env('SMSGLOBAL_API_VERSION', 'v2'),

     * Debug mode
    'debug' => env('SMSGLOBAL_DEBUG', false),


Open your .env file and add your api key and secret key which can be generated from SmsGlobal Integration Page:


If you are using a hosting service like heroku, remember to add the above details to your configuration variables.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use JoshuaChinemezu\SmsGlobal\RestApi\RestApiClient;

class SmsController extends Controller

     * Get
     * @return json
    public function getSmsGlobalDedicatedNumbers()
        $smsglobal = new RestApiClient;
        return $smsglobal->getAllDedicatedNumbers();

     * This method can be implemented in a Queue - this is just an example
     * @return json
    public function sendSms()
        $smsglobal = new RestApiClient;
        return $smsglobal->sendMessage([
            "destination" => "xxxx", // Destination mobile number. 3-15 digits
            "message" => "Hello", // The SMS message. If longer than 160 characters (GSM) or 70 characters (Unicode), splits into multiple SMS
        ]); // Check https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ for more options

Explanation of the methods this package provides.


 *  Get the auto top-up information associated to the authenticated account.

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Delete a contact
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Get the contact as identified by the given id.
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Update the contact as identified by the given id. You can only update the
 * default fields associated with each contact.
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Get a list of all contact groups.
 * @param array $queryOptions
 * See https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/group - GET
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Create a new contact group.
 * @param array $formData
 * See https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/group - POST
 * @return json
 * $formData = [
 *      "name" => "Joshua Group",
 *      "keyword" => "smsgroup",
 *      "defaultOrigin" => "",
 *      "isGlobal" => false,
 *  ]

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Create a new contact group.
 * @param integer $groupId
 * @param array $formData
 * @return json
 * $formData = [
 *      "msisdn" => "Joshua Contact",
 *      "givenName" => "Joshua",
 * See on https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/  - group/{groupId}/contact - POST
 *  ]
$smsglobal->createContact($groupId, $formData);

 * Alternatively, use the helper.
smsglobal()->createContact($groupId, $formData);

 *  Get a list of all contacts in a group.
 * @param integer $groupId
 * @param array $filters
 * @return json
 * $filters = [
 *      "offset" => 1,
 *      "limit" => 20,
 *      "sort" => "id"
 *  ]
$smsglobal->getContactsByGroupID($groupId, $filters);

 * Alternatively, use the helper.
smsglobal()->getContactsByGroupID($groupId, $filters);

 *  Delete a contact group
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Get the contact group as identified by the given id.
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Update fields of a group as identified by the given id
 * @param integer $id
 * @param array $param
 *  $param = [
 *     "name" => "Joshua Group",
 *      "keyword" => "",
 *       ... More options on https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/
 *   ]
 * @return json
$smsglobal->updateGroupFieldByID($id, $param);

 * Alternatively, use the helper.
smsglobal()->updateGroupFieldByID($id, $param);

 *  View list of dedicated numbers
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  View list of opted out numbers
 * @param array $filters
 *  $filters = [
 *     "phoneNumber" => xxx,
 *      "offset" => 1,
 *      "limit" => 20,
 *   ]
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Opt out mobile numbers
 * @param array $mobileNumbers
 *  $mobileNumbers = [xxx. xxx, xxx]
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Validate mobile numbers for opt out
 * @param array $mobileNumbers
 *  $mobileNumbers = [xxx. xxx, xxx]
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Opt in a mobile number
 * @param integer $mobileNumber
 *  $mobileNumbers = xxx
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Opt in a mobile number
 * @param integer $mobileNumber
 *  $mobileNumbers = xxx
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  View list of shared pools
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  View details of a shared pool
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  View list of outgoing messages
 * @param array $filters
 *  $filters = [
 *      "offset" => 1,
 *      "limit" => 20,
 *      "status" => "delivered",
 *      ... More option https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/sms - GET
 *   ]
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  View list of outgoing messages
 * @param array $postData
 *  $postData = [
 *      "message" => "Hello",
 *      ... More option https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/sms - POST
 *   ]
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 *  Delete outgoing message
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * View details of an outgoing message
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * View list of incoming messages
 * @param arrray $filters'
 *  $filters = [
 *      "offset" => 1,
 *      "limit" => 20,
 *      ... More option https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/sms-incoming - GET
 *   ]
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * View list of incoming messages
 * @param arrray $filters'
 *  $filters = [
 *      "offset" => 1,
 *      "limit" => 20,
 *      ... More option https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/sms-incoming - GET
 *   ]
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * Delete incoming message
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * View details of an incoming message
 * @param integer $id
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * Get the authenticated account's billing details.
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * Update the authenticated account's billing details.
 * @param array $params
 * See https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/user/billing-details - PUT
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * Get the authenticated account's contact details.
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * Get the authenticated account's billing details.
 * @param array $params
 * See https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/user/billing-details - PUT
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * View the account balance
 * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * Get the low balance alerts information associated to the authenticated
 * account.
 * * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * Update the authenticated account's low balance alerts information.
 * @param array $params
 * See https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/user/low-balance-alerts - PUT
 * * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * Create sub account
 * @param array $params
 * See https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/user/low-balance-alerts - POST
 * * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.

 * Get the authenticated account's verified numbers.
 * @param array $params
 * See https://www.smsglobal.com/rest-api/ - /v2/user/verified-numbers - GET
 * * @return json

 * Alternatively, use the helper.


  • Add SMPP
  • Add SOAP
  • Add MMS API
  • Add Whatsapp API
  • Add Queue and Track Outgoing SMS
  • Add Comprehensive Tests


Please feel free to fork this package and contribute by submitting a pull request to enhance the functionalities.

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© The MIT License (MIT) Please see License File for more information.

Made with ❤️ by Joshua Chinemezu