Lana vs Jesus

Live site: Lana vs. Jesus

Lana vs Jesus is a tongue-in-cheek project that compares the singer Lana Del Rey with Jesus using different charts/diagrams by D3, Javascript, HTML, and CSS.


Word Cloud

Text Analysis section of the project has two word clouds. Each word's text-size is based on the frequency of the word used in a certain writing (in this case Lana's songs and the Bible) and the color of the word is based on the polarity of the word (green for positive/neutral and red for negative). Whenever the page is refreshed, the clouds appear with cool animation. It was made using created by Jason Davies.

Coloring based on polarity:

var color = d3.scale.quantize()
    .domain([-max, max])
    .range([d3.hcl(36, 65, 50), d3.hcl(150, 65, 50)]);

.style("fill", function (d) {
    return color(d[person].polarity);

Font-size based on frequency:

.style("font-size", function (d) {
    return font_size(d[person].count) + "px";


Pie Chart

Writing Credits section has two pie charts. Visitors can hover over the charts to see different writers involved in writing Lana's songs and the Bible. They were made using d3 layout created by Lisa Nguyen.

Moveover effect:

path.on('mouseover', function (d) { // when mouse enters div      
    var total = d3.sum( (d) { // calculate the total number of writers in the dataset         
        return (d.enabled) ? d.count : 0; // checking to see if the entry is enabled. if it isn't, we return 0 and cause other percentages to increase                                      
    var percent = Math.round(1000 * / total) / 10; // calculate percent'.label').html(; // set current label      '.percent').html(percent + '%'); // set percent calculated above     'display', 'block'); // set display                     

path.on('mouseout', function () { // when mouse leaves div                   'display', 'none'); // hide tooltip for that element


Bar Chart

Social Media Presence section has three different social media platforms (Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube) and Lana/Jesus's social presence on each platform. Similar to the pie chart, users can hover over the charts to see the exact number of followers/subscribers Lana/Jesus has in a particular platform.
