Transpiled GraphQL Server


This project implements a GraphQL server using Apollo Server, designed for both AWS Lambda deployments and standalone operation. It serves as the backend for managing articles, videos, and author data, utilizing MongoDB for storage.

Getting Started


  • Node.js (v12.x or later)
  • Yarn package manager
  • MongoDB account and database setup
  • AWS account (for Lambda deployment)


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the necessary Node.js packages:
    yarn install
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory with the following environment variables set according to your MongoDB setup:

Running the Server Locally

To run the server in development mode:

yarn dev

This will start the GraphQL server on http://localhost:4000 by default, where you can access the GraphQL playground to execute queries.


The project is configured for deployment to AWS Lambda using the Serverless framework.

  1. Deploy to AWS Lambda:

    yarn deploy
  2. To run the serverless offline for local emulation of AWS Lambda:

    yarn start


This GraphQL server defines a schema that includes types for Article, Video, and Author, along with the necessary queries and mutations to interact with this data.

Main Types

  • Article: Represents an article with fields like title, author, createdAt, etc.
  • Video: Represents a video with fields similar to an article but includes a videoURL.
  • Author: Represents an author with a name, articles, videos, and an imageURL.


  • articles: Fetches articles based on status.
  • videos: Fetches all videos.
  • topLikedArticles: Fetches the top 3 liked articles.
  • getArticleById: Fetches an article by its ID.
  • getVideoById: Fetches a video by its ID.
  • authors: Fetches all authors.


  • createArticle: Creates a new article with given details.

Development Notes

  • The server can be configured to run as a standalone server for development or deployed to AWS Lambda for production.
  • MongoDB is used for data storage, and the db.js file contains utility functions for connecting to MongoDB and validating environment variables.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.