
This is my config for Powerlevel10k

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Here's the updated README for your Powerlevel10k configuration with the GitHub link included:

Powerlevel10k Configuration README

This README provides an overview of my Powerlevel10k zsh prompt configuration, which was generated using the Powerlevel10k configuration wizard on 2024-03-12 at 18:15 MDT. This configuration is based on the p10k-classic.zsh style with a set of customized options to fit your terminal look and functionality.

Configuration Details

  • Wizard Version: The configuration was generated by the Powerlevel10k configuration wizard, ensuring a tailored experience.
  • Base Template: Utilizes romkatv/powerlevel10k/config/p10k-classic.zsh as the starting point.
  • Checksum: The template's integrity is verified by checksum 57817.
  • Prompt Style: Classic Powerline with angled separators and sharp heads.
  • Font Configuration: Designed for a Nerd Font-complete with Powerline glyphs, optimized for small icons and lightest weight.
  • Icons: Configured to display many icons, enhancing the visual appeal and providing instant context.
  • Prompt Character: Configured to show concise information, beneficial for compact displays or minimalistic preferences.
  • Time Format: 24-hour time format, catering to international standards or personal preference.

Git Status Color Configuration

The Powerlevel10k theme allows for detailed customization of the Git prompt, enabling users to get a quick understanding of their repository status directly from the prompt. Here's a breakdown of the colors I've configured for various Git statuses, including their Xterm Names and Numbers, according to this cheatsheet:

  • Clean Status: The Git repository is in a clean state, indicating no changes or pending commits. This is typically represented with a green color, symbolizing that all changes are committed and there are no pending files to add or commit. I changed the color to DeepSkyBlue1 (39).

  • Untracked Files: Files that are not tracked by Git are marked with a specific color, often red or yellow, to grab your attention. This indicates that there are files in the directory that aren't being tracked by Git. I changed the color to LightSkyBlue3 (109).

  • Modified Files: When files have been modified but not staged for commit, they are highlighted. A common color choice is orange or yellow, signaling that there are changes that need to be staged. I changed the color to LightSalmon3 (173).

  • Staged Files: Files that are staged and ready to be committed may be indicated with a brighter shade, such as a bold green, signifying that the files are ready to be committed.

  • Conflicts: Merge conflicts are typically represented with a red color, clearly indicating immediate attention is required to resolve the conflicts before proceeding with other Git operations.

  • Behind/Ahead of Remote: When your branch is ahead or behind the remote branch, it's often represented with blue or purple. This color coding provides a quick view of whether you need to push your commits or pull changes from the remote repository.


You can tweak these colors and the Git status prompt settings by editing the ~/.p10k.zsh file. The configuration allows for adjustments using p10k configure, enabling you to regenerate or tweak your prompt settings as per your evolving preferences or requirements.


  • Color Customization: Explore the one-liner provided in the configuration to print a colormap, assisting you in customizing your prompt colors.
  • Instant Prompt: Optimized for quick shell startup, with the option to toggle the feature as needed.
  • Transient Prompt: Reduces clutter by simplifying the prompt after commands are executed, keeping your terminal history clean and focused.


To apply the configuration, source the generated script in your .zshrc:

source ~/.p10k.zsh

You can edit the ~/.p10k.zsh file to customize your prompt manually. For a more guided customization, run p10k configure in your terminal.

Further Information

For detailed documentation, tips, and troubleshooting, visit the Powerlevel10k GitHub repository.


You can download Powerlevel10k from its GitHub repository:

Powerlevel10k GitHub Repository