
.NET Independent Project Week 1 - CRUD functionality and styling using the ASP.NET Core MVC

Primary LanguageC#

Gummi Bear Kingdom

Joshua Fairchild, August 4th, 2017

This is an application created primarily using the ASP.NET Core MVC along with Microsoft SQL Server with the purpose of allowing the owner of a candy store to manage their products by creating/reading/updating/deleting entries. The design of the application was heavily inspired by the website for Quin Candy.


You will need the following software properly installed on your computer.

Installation/Database Setup

  • Clone this repository.

    $ git clone https://github.com/joshuafairchild1/gummybearkingdom

  • Open MS SQL Server and establish a local connection.

  • In Visual Studio, open and build the project.

  • Run the following commands in PowerShell to generate the database:

    $ cd .\src\GummyBearKingdom\

    $ dotnet ef database update

  • You can now view the application by pressing Ctrl + F5 in Visual Studio, you will be navigated to the application in your web browser.

(Optional) Preloading the Database

If you wish to load the database with content, a SQL script has been provided that will do just that.

  • Open Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Select File > Open > File and open dbcontent.sql from the root directory

  • If the database does not already exist, add the following lines to the top of the script file:

    CREATE DATABASE GummyBearKingdom;


  • Save the file and click "! Execute" (F5)

Built With

  • C#
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Entity Framework
  • CSS


This project is licensed under the MIT License

Copyright (c) Joshua Fairchild, 2017