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You'll be making a todo app using React and Redux. Redux will store your todos and React will visualize them.

Making a todo application is generally considered an important early rite of passage for understanding any state management library.

Users should be able to:

  1. Create a Todo
  2. Toggle a Todo between completed and uncompleted by clicking on it
    • Completed todos should be shown with line-through text

Todo Schema

A Todo object should have the following properties:

  completed: true
  id: 1,
  text: "Buy groceries",


Your Redux state to store this information would look like:

  nextTodoId: 1,
  todos: [],


Add three buttons that set a filter for which todos are visible:

  • "all": show all todos
  • "active": show todos that are active, not completed
  • "completed": show todos that are completed, not active

Store this setting as a visibilityFilter member in your Redux state. Its default/initial value should be "all".

using the todo app

Getting Started

  • Fork this repo
  • Clone the forked repository
  • cd to the directory where you cloned it
  • npm install to install dependencies
  • npm run cypress to open the cypress testing window
  • npm test to run jest / node tests

Note: Remember to git add, git commit and git push regularly

Submission Guidelines

  • When finished, commit and push your work.
  • Make a pull request on github.
  • Submit the link to your pull request on Canvas.