- 4
Plate and PHP 8.2
#24 opened by hellodavesweden - 13
Customize Section Missing
#22 opened by mktgessentials - 6
Paragraph Block Preview Error
#23 opened by bestify - 4
Modernizr script causes page to jump to top
#21 opened by bestify - 5
Will not run on php 5.3.8
#20 opened by 7SKY - 2
- 4
#19 opened by mktgessentials - 7
#18 opened by goodjobjohn - 10
SCSS not updating
#17 opened by companyhen - 3
Frontend gutenberg styles?
#15 opened by thetwopct - 5
Looking for translation help
#5 opened by joshuaiz - 1
`rw_title` function isn't defined
#10 opened by EnzoMartin - 3
Bones compatibility
#9 opened by omerida - 1
Modernizr integration causes F grade "Minimize request size" score in performance tests.
#8 opened by joniler - 1
User Agent styling
#7 opened by thetwopct - 2
Error with comments on single.php
#6 opened by thetwopct - 12
Accepting contributions?
#4 opened by HardeepAsrani - 4
Do Quicktags work out of the box?
#3 opened by rgfx