PACMAN-Trappist Version 1.0 This set of python scripts runs the Planetary Atmosphere Crust MANtle (PACMAN) coupled geochemical evolution model, as described in Krissansen-Totton and Fortney (2022) "Predictions for observable atmospheres of Trappist-1 planets from a fully coupled atmosphere-interior evolution model", The Astrophysical Journal. As a matter of courtesy, we request that people using this code please cite Krissansen-Totton and Fortney (2022). In the interest of an open source approach, we also request that authors who use and modify the code, please send a copy of papers and modified code to the lead author ( This version of the code (V1.0) will be permanently archived upon publication. REQUIREMENTS: Python 3.0, including numpy, pylab, scipy, joblib, and numba modules. HOW TO RUN CODE: (1) Put all the python scripts in the same directory, and ensure python is working in this directory. (2) Open and check desired parameter ranges, number of iterations, and number of cores for parallelization (each model run typically takes ~10 minutes to run, and so large numbers of iterations will require parallelization). Run to execute Monte Carlo calculations over chosen parameter ranges. (3) When complete, run to interpolate and post-process outputs (original large data file can be deleted upon completion). (4) When complete, run Plot_processed_outputs to plot results from Monte Carlo calculations. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXPLANATION OF CODE STRUCTURE: %% This python script perfoms the Monte Carlo calculations to reproduce results from the main text. It also contains nominal parameter ranges, which can be altered to reproduce different scenarios and sensitivity tests. Model outputs are saved as "MC_outputs_Trappist.npy", whereas corresponding input parameters are saved as "MC_inputs_Trappist.npy". Note that these will be overwritten every time finishes running, unless file names are changed manually. These two files are subsequently used by the script "" to plot results. The file MC_inputs_Trappist has dimensions ITERATIONS X 6, where the second dimension contains the six classes that define all input parameters: inputs, Planet_inputs, Init_conditions, Numerics, Stellar_inputs, MC_inputs. The file MC_outputs_Trappist has dimensions ITERATIONS, where each iteration contains a python class with outputs from "": total_time, total_y, FH2O_array, FCO2_array, MH2O_liq, MH2O_crystal, MCO2_liq, Pressre_H2O, CO2_Pressure_array, fO2_array, Mass_O_atm, Mass_O_dissolved, water_frac, Ocean_depth, Max_depth, Ocean_fraction, TOA_shortwave. The index "k_trap" controls which Trappist-1 planet is modeled: 0-b, 1-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-f, 5-g %% This script loads the outputs from "", specifically "MC_outputs_Trappist.npy" and corresponding input parameters "MC_inputs_Trappist.npy". Successful model runs are interpolated, post-processed, and saved as the file "Compressed_TrappistOutputs" for plotting. The larger files "MC_outputs_Trappist" and "MC_inputs_Trappist" can be deleted once the compressed output has been created. Multiple MC outputs can be combined into a single compressed output file. %% This script loads the compressed outputs from "" and plots them. The user can choose which outputs to include e.g. only those with final surface volatile inventories consistent with mass-radius constraints. Options for reproducing sensitivity tests from the main text are also included. Change selected outputs by commenting out unwanted outputs. %% This python script contains the forward model. Typically, it should not need to be altered for reproducing results from the main text. %% This script contains the functions for interpolating the pre-computed Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) grid, the atmosphere-ocean partitioning grid, and the stratospheric water vapor grid. For all nominal calculations, use the following (this is the default): "OLR_200_FIX_cold.npy", "Atmo_frac_200_FIX_cold.npy", and "fH2O_200_FIX_cold.npy" The script also contains the function "correction", which is used to incorporate atmosphere-ocean partitioning of CO2 into the OLR calculation. Alternative radiative functions (with associated inputs) can be substituted for sensitivity tests with different background N2 partial pressures. %% Contains function for calculating bond albedo following parameterization in Pluriel et al. (2019). %% and Contains scripts for calculating outgassing fluxes, based on the model described in Wogan et al. (2020). The fast version, which is used by default, is numba optimized. %% Contains a variety of functions including radiogenic heat production ("qr"), mantle viscosity ("viscosity_fun"), partitioning of water between magma ocean and atmosphere ("H2O_partition_function"), partitioning of CO2 between magma ocean and atmosphere ("CO2_partition_function"), magma ocean mass calculation ("Mliq_fun"), analytic calculations for the solidification radius evolution ("rs_term_fun"), mantle adiabatic temperature profile ("adiabat"), solidus calculation ("sol_liq"), solidus radius calculation ("find_r"), and the mantle melt fraction integration ("temp_meltfrac"). %% Contains function for calculation continental and seafloor silicate weathering fluxes. %% Defines classes used for input parameters. %% Contains functions for atmospheric escape parameterizations. The function "better_diffusion" calculates diffusion-limited escape of water through a background gas of N2 and CO2. The function "Odert_three" calculates XUV-driven escape of H given a H-O-CO2-N2 atmosphere, as described in Odert et al. (2018). Drag of O and CO2 are also computed. The function "find_epsilon" calculates escape efficiency, epsilon, as a function of the XUV flux. %% The function "Sol_prod" calculates the temperature dependent solubility product of carbonate and calicum, Ksp(T) = [CO3(2-)][Ca(2+)] / Omega. %% Contains numba optimized Nelder_Mead optimization algorithm %% Loads stellar evolution parameterizations from Baraffe et al. ("Baraffe3.txt" for the sun or "Baraffe2015.txt" for different stellar masses), and returns total luminosity and XUV lumionsity as a function of time. See main text for expressions for XUV evolution relative to bolometric luminosity evolution. Trappist-1 XUV-evolution parameter from Birky et al. are loaded from the file "trappist_posterior_samples_updated.npy". %% switch_garbage This folder contains the switch parameters that keep track of whether each iteration is currently in the magma ocean or solid mantle phase. Can be emptied between model runs - is not needed after Monte Carlo outputs have been saved. %% switch_garbage3 This folder is used to temporarily store Monte Carlo input values. It is deleted at the end of each successful execution of Therefore, if the code is interrupted before completion, switch_garbage3 must be manually deleted before can be run again. END EXPLANATION OF CODE STRUCTURE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION OF INPUT/OUTPUT VARIABLES that are used in plotting script: Consider the following example: inputs = np.load('MC_outputs_Trappist.npy',allow_pickle = True) #Time-evolution of model variables MCinputs = np.load('MC_inputs_Trappist.npy',allow_pickle = True) #Corresponding parameter values sampled in Monte Carlo analysis inputs: • Total_time ◦ Time the model runs over [“default” for nominal earth = 0-4.5 Gyr] • Total_y [time evolution of 25 explicit model variables] ◦ 0) Abundance of H2O in the solid interior, (kg) ◦ 1) Abundance of H2O in fluid phases (magma ocean plus atmosphere-ocean), (kg) ◦ 2) Radius of solidification, rs (m) ◦ 3) Abundance of free O in the solid interior, (kg) ◦ 4) Abundance of free O in fluid phases (magma ocean plus atmosphere-ocean) (kg) ◦ 5) Abundance of FeO1.5 in the solid interior (kg) ◦ 6) Abundance of FeO in the solid interior (kg) ◦ 7) Mantle potential temperature, Tp (K) ◦ 8) Surface temperature, Ts (K) ◦ 9) Outgoing longwave radiation, OLR (W/m2) ◦ 10) Absorbed shortwave radiation, ASR (W/m2) ◦ 11) Heat from interior, qmantle (W/m2) ◦ 12) Abundance of CO2 in fluid phases (magma ocean plus atmosphere-ocean), (kg) ◦ 13) Abundance of CO2 in the solid interior (kg) ◦ 14) Silicate weathering flux (Tmol C/yr) ◦ 15) Carbon outgassing flux (Tmol C/yr) ◦ 16) Crustal thickness (m) ◦ 17) Crystal mass fraction in magma ocean ◦ 18) Direct (dry) oxidation of surface crust by atmospheric oxygen (kg O2/s); converted in Tmol/yr in plotting ◦ 19) Oxygen source flux from net escape of H (kg O2/s); converted in Tmol/yr in plotting ◦ 20) Wet oxidation of surface crust by serpentinizing reactions that generate H2 (kg O2/s); converted in Tmol/yr in plotting ◦ 21) Oxygen sink flux from outgassing of reduced species (kg O2/yr); converted in Tmol/yr in plotting ◦ 22) Partial pressure of O2 in atmosphere, pO2 (Pa) ◦ 23) Partial pressure of CO2 in atmosphere, pCO2 (Pa) ◦ 24) Mean molecular weight of atmosphere (kg/mol) ◦ 25) Melt volume productions (m3/s) ◦ 26) Total H2 escape (kg/s) ◦ 27) Total water gain by interior (kg/s) ◦ 28) Total water outgassing from interior (kg/s) ◦ 29) Upper atmosphere water mixing ratio ◦ 30) Cold trap temperature variance (K) ◦ 31) (unused) • FH2O_array ◦ H2O mass fraction in magma ocean partial melt • FCO2_array ◦ CO2 mass fraction in magma ocean partial melt • MH2O_liq ◦ Liquid H2O mass (kg) in magma ocean • MH2O_crystal ◦ Crystal H2O mass (kg) in magma ocean • MCO2_liq ◦ Liquid CO2 mass (kg) in magma ocean • Pressre_H2O ◦ Partial pressure of H2O at surface (Pa) • CO2_Pressure_array ◦ Partial pressure of CO2 at surface (Pa) • fO2_array ◦ Oxygen fugacity (Pa) • Mass_O_atm ◦ Mass of oxygen in atmosphere (kg) • Mass_O_dissolved ◦ Mass of oxygen in melt (kg) • Water_frac ◦ Fraction of surface water in atmosphere (1-this = fraction of surface water in ocean) • Ocean_depth ◦ Depth of water ocean (m) • Max_depth ◦ Max depth of water ocean where land is permitted (m) • Ocean_fraction ◦ Approximate surface area ocean fraction (parameterized hypsometric curve) • TOA_shortwave ◦ Top of atmosphere shortwave radiation flux The Monte Carlo parameter file, MCinputs, contains six classes: Switch_Inputs, Planet_inputs, Init_conditions, Numerics, Stellar_inputs, MC_inputs. Each contains a number of input parameters. Switch_Inputs • print_switch ◦ Option for orint outputs, y/n • Speedup_flag ◦ redundant in this version of the code • Start_speed ◦ redundant in this version of the code • Fin_speed ◦ redundant in this version of the code • Heating_switch ◦ Controls locus of internal heating • C_cycle_switch ◦ Carbon cycle on/off • Start_time ◦ Calculation start time, in yrs (relative to stellar evolution track) Planet_inputs • RE ◦ Planet radius (Earth Radii) • ME ◦ Planet mass (Earth Masses) • rc ◦ (metallic) Core radius (m) • pm ◦ ρm = Average (silicate) mantle density (kg/m^3) • Total_Fe_mol_fraction ◦ xFe = Iron mol of mantle (silicate mole fraction) • Planet_sep ◦ Planet-star distance (AU) • albedoC ◦ Cold state bond albedo • albedoH ◦ Hot state bond albedo Init_conditions • Init_solid_H2O ◦ Endowment of water in solid silicate interior (kg), typically zero for magma ocean initialization • Init_fluid_H2O ◦ Endowment of water in fluid phases (kg) • Init_solid_O ◦ Endowment of free O in silicate interior (kg), typically zero for magma ocean initialization • Init_fluid_O ◦ Endowment of free O in fluid phases (kg) • Init_solid_FeO1_5 ◦ Endowment of FeO1_5 in mantle (kg) • Init_solid_FeO ◦ Endowment of FeO in mantle (kg) • Init_solid_CO2 ◦ Endowment of CO2 in solid silicate interior (kg), typically zero for magma ocean initialization • Init_fluid_CO2 ◦ Endowment of CO2 in fluid phases (kg) Numerics #This is for choosing different maximum timesteps for different portions of the model to minimize numerical failures. • Total_steps ◦ Sets the total number of time-step divisons in each model run • Step0 ◦ Maximum time step for zeroth interval (yrs) • Step1 ◦ Maximum time step for first interval (yrs) • Step2 ◦ Maximum time step for second interval (yrs) • Step3 ◦ Maximum time step for third interval (yrs) • Step4 ◦ Maximum time step for fourth interval (yrs), redundant in nominal model • Tfin0 ◦ End time for zeroth interval (yrs) • Tfin1 ◦ End time for first interval (yrs) • Tfin2 ◦ End time for second interval (yrs) • Tfin3 ◦ End time for third interval (yrs) • Tfin4 ◦ End time for fourth interval (yrs), redundant in nominal model Stellar_inputs • tsat_XUV ◦ tsat = XUV saturation time (Myr) • Stellar_Mass ◦ Mass of star (solar masses) • Fsat ◦ Saturation of star’s XUV luminosity • Beta0 ◦ β = Decay exponent to ensure modern solar XUV flux • Epsilon ◦ εlowXUV, low XUV flux escape efficiency MC_inputs • Esc_a ◦ NT_loss = Non-thermal escape flux (bar/age) • Esc_b ◦ (Not used in this version of the code) • Esc_c ◦ λtra = Transition abundance coefficient (diffusion-limited H escape for low stratospheric abundances to XUV-driven escape as upper atmosphere becomes steam dominated) • Esc_d ◦ ζ = Efficiency factor for O-drag during hydrodynamic escape • Ccycle_a ◦ Temperature dependence of continental weathering, Te (K) (e-folding temperature) • Ccycle_b ◦ CO2 dependence of continental weathering • Supp_lim ◦ Supply limit of continental weathering (kg/s) • Interiora ◦ Vcoef = Mantle viscosity scalar (Pa s) • Interiorb ◦ frhydr-frac = Hydration efficiency • Interiorc ◦ fdry-oxid = Dry oxidation efficiency • Interiord ◦ fwet-oxid = Wet oxidation efficiency • Interiore ◦ Radiogenic inventory relative to Earth • Interiorf ◦ Msolid-H2O-max = Max mantle in solid water (Earth oceans) • Ocean_a ◦ Ocean calcium concentration, [Ca2+] • Ocean_b ◦ Ω = Ocean saturation state • Tstrat ◦ Tstrat = Stratospheric temperature variance [K] • Surface_magma_frac ◦ flava = Max molten surface area fraction • ThermoTemp ◦ ThermoTemp = Thermosphere temperature [K] END EXPLANATION OF INPUT/OUTPUT VARIABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------------------------- Contact e-mail: