
Install GA, RC, Beta, Alpha titanium sdk builds. Works also for v4+.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Install GA, RC, Beta, Alpha titanium sdk builds. Works also for v4+.

This is based on the git tags in the repository and the Appcelerator CI builds.


$ npm install -g tisdk


tisdk list - list available GA and RC builds, use the --ga-only flag to hide RCs and Betas

tisdk install [version] - installs the GA sdk , e.g. 4.0.0.GA. --force flag overrides existing install.

tisdk download [version] - installs the GA sdk , e.g. 4.0.0.GA.

tisdk build [version] - manually builds the GA sdk from the source, e.g. 5.0.0.GA. --force flag overrides existing install.

Manual builds

When using the tisdk build command ensure you have everything installed for the manual build. See the Appcelerator Wiki. In short you need node, android sdk API 23 and ndk, scons, python, git, oracle jdk 1.6, ios sdk, etc.

Also make sure your environment variables are set. For example:

export ANDROID_SDK="$HOME/Android"
export ANDROID_NDK="$HOME/android-ndk-r9d"
export ANDROID_PLATFORM="$ANDROID_SDK/platforms/android-23"
export GOOGLE_APIS="$ANDROID_SDK/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-23"
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v $1)
export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK/tools:$ANDROID_SDK/platform-tools:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Platforms Support

  • OSX - installs the sdk to ~/Library/Application Support/Titanium.
  • Linux - installs the sdk to ~/.titanium (thanks @m1ga)

Licence: MIT