A word processor for authors targeting ebook production based on Hugh Howey's blog post: Neo - A Word Processor for Authors. This is not endorsed by Mr. Howey in any way, it's just a proof-of-concept project for me to play with implementing his ideas using Electron for cross-platform HTML/CSS/JavaScript app development.
To get the very latest features (and unfixed bugs) you'll need to run neo from its source code. To run from source, you'll need to install git and clone the neo repository to your local system:
$ git clone https://github.com/smeans/neo
This should create a folder called neo
on your
machine. To run neo, you will also need to install Node.js. This will give you access to the Node runtime and the Node Package Manager (npm) utility. Once Node is installed, you can run neo from the command line using npm:
$ cd neo/app
$ npm install
$ npm start
If all went well, neo will fire up as a full-screen app and you're in business. Whenever you want to refresh your local copy of the source, just do a git pull:
$ cd neo
$ git pull origin master