
Branded asset framework for www.kiddom.co

Primary LanguageHTML



git clone git@github.com:kiddom/kiddom-frontend.git
cd kiddom-frontend

Project Structure

  .... assets/
  .... .... images/
  .... .... styles/   <- .LESS files go here
  .... .... scripts/  <- .coffee files go here
  .... views/         <- jade files, which build to HTML, go here
  defaults.json       <- default configuration for grunt tasks
  Gruntfile.coffee    <- grunt tasks definition module
  package.json        <- npm package definition


Define .env

cp .env.template .env
# ... go configure your environment

Install dependencies

npm install
bower install

Adding new dependencies?

npm install --save|--save-dev foobar

This locally installs the package 'foobar', and adds a line to package.json so it is installed by anyone else who runs the code.

Learn about --save vs --save-dev

Start development server

npm run develop

Also Try (if npm run develop fails)

	grunt serve

This simultaniously starts a webserver at localhost:$PORT serving from dist/app/, and watches for changes to app/assets and app/views.