
React Native Sortable List component

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sortable list view for react-native




npm i react-native-sortable-list --save




  • data (Object) data source
  • order (Array) an array of keys from data, the order of keys from the array will be used to initial rows order
  • style (Object, Array)
  • contentContainerStyle (Object, Array) these styles will be applied to the inner scroll view content container
  • sortingEnabled (boolean) when false, rows are not sortable. The default value is true.
  • scrollEnabled (boolean) when false, the content does not scrollable. The default value is true.
  • autoscrollAreaHeight (number) determines the height of the area at the top and the bottom of the list that will trigger autoscrolling. Defaults to 60.

- **renderRow** (function)
`({key, index, data, disabled, active}) => renderable`
Takes a row key, row index, data entry from the data source and its statuses disabled, active and should return a renderable component to be rendered as the row.

- **onChangeOrder** (function)
`(nextOrder) => void`
Called when rows were reordered, takes an array of rows keys of the next rows order. - **onActivateRow** (function)
`(key) => void`
Called when a row was activated (user long tapped). - **onReleaseRow** (function)
`(key) => void`
Called when the active row was released.


  • scrollBy(dy?, animated?) scrolls by a given y offset, either immediately or with a smooth animation
  • scrollTo(y?, animated?) scrolls to a given y offset, either immediately or with a smooth animation
  • scrollToRowKey(key, animated?) scrolls to a given row key, either immediately or with a smooth animation


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