
arch linux daily driver configs

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first ever arch linux desktop configs, completed circa jan 2018. used as daily driver, so configs have slowly drifted away from what was preserved in the screenshots, so I am archiving this as of mar 2019. see dd for current daily driver.

wm + friends:   bspwm + sxhkd + compton + rofi + dunst
bar:            polybar
term:           urxvt
fonts:          ttf-hack + ttf-font-awesome-4
shell:          zsh
colors:         pywal


ymmv, but generally install-stage1.sh in a tty as a sudo-enabled user, then in X, install-stage2.sh and reboot (or kill xinit then startx again).

NOTE: on every startx, you will need to manually run polybar top and polybar bottom.

Wallpapers/ contains quite a few wallpapers that look great with the default pywal-generated palettes. Use wallcrunch to change the wallpaper + colors.


interjection.sh, neofetch, cmatrix

htop, ranger + highlight + w3m

micro, neofetch, tree


pipes.sh, pacman -Syu confirmation

pacman -Syu

vis (cli-visualizer), mpv