GearSwap Files

Shozokui - Bahamut


Included here are several of my current GearSwap files. They all depend on GearSwap Kinematics and an extension library developed for these files called Naught.

Naught includes features such as:

  • Automatic Default Macro Book Selection
  • Special Message Colors by way of gs_echo() function
  • Sub Job tracking. Keeps track through SJ changes
  • User Keybinds functions user_keybinds() and user_unbind()
  • Helper fuctions for binding keys bind_key(key, command, ctrl?, alt?) and unbind(key)
  • Automatic Lockstyle
  • Automatic BlinkMeNot
  • Integrated Anchor system
  • Helpers for using a JA before spell or other ability ja_before_spell(ja, spell)
Warning: You cannot use these GearSwap files located in data/ without the Naught Library.
Recommended Text Editor and Plugins

For best/most efficient results, use Atom text editor with the lua-language and custom-folds plugins installed.

Naught Library Installation

Copy the files located in libs/ to your Windower4/addons/GearSwap/libs/ folder.

After Copying the files, include the library in your get_sets() delcaration.

function get_sets()
  mote_include_version = 2

  -- Load and initialize the include file.

  -- Load and initialize Naught extensions
Macro Books

Enable automatic macro selection by setting the info parameter for the book and page to set.

function user_setup()
  -- Load Book 1, Page 2
  info.MacroBook = {1,2}
Lockstyle Set

Enable automatic lockstyle sets by setting the info parameter.

function user_setup()
  -- Load equipset 1 for Lock Style
  info.LockstyleSet = 1

Enable automatic BlinkMeNot by first installing the DressUp addon, then enabling it via info parameters.

function user_setup()
  info.UseBlinkMeNot = true

You can specify file-specific keybinds by defining the following methods:

function user_keybinds()
  -- Remove default keybinds
  -- TODO: Uncomment if you don't want default F9-F12 keybinds
  -- Need to do this if you wish to re-assign the bind
  -- clear_default_binds()

  -- Swap Song Modes
  bind_key('`', 'gs c set SongMode Dummy; input /ma "Army\'s Paeon" <me>;')

  -- Example: Enable CTRL Modifier so it's CTRL + `
  -- bind_key('`', 'gs c set SongMode Dummy; input /ma "Army\'s Paeon" <me>;', true)

  -- Example: Enable ALT Modifier so it's ALT + `
  -- bind_key('`', 'gs c set SongMode Dummy; input /ma "Army\'s Paeon" <me>;', false, true)

function user_unbind()