The Office

In this project, you will get the chance to practice object relationships in Python, with a particular emphasis on the has_many/belongs_to relationship. Make sure you read the entire README and map out your domain models before writing any code!


Welcome to your first day at the Flatiron Mifflin Paper Company. As the Assistant to the Regional Manager, your job is to implement the new Office Management System for both the employees and their managers. Since Michael (your boss) has personally tasked you with this job, you can't disappoint.

Setup (Code)

Your goal is to build out all of the methods listed in the deliverables.

We've provided you with a console that you can use to test your code. To enter a console session, run python from the command line. You'll be able to test out the methods that you write here. Take a look at that file to see how you can pre-define variables and create object instances, rather than manually doing it in every single console session.

There are no tests! You will need to test your code on your own!

Domain Modeling

First step to this problem is to consider your domain. At Flatiron Mifflin, an Employee can only work in one department and a Manager oversees only one department. There are often many Employees working for one Manager because if there are two Managers to "microgement" one employee, the employee might become "aggressive", "hostile" or "difficult."

Here are some questions to consider:

  • What are your models?
  • What does your domain look like?
  • What are the relationships between your models?

A note about notation

When you see a '#', this means the functionality will be related to the instance, a '.', the class.



  • Manager#name
    • returns a String that is the manager's name
  • Manager#department
    • returns a String that is the department that the manager oversees
  • Manager#age
    • returns a number that is the age of the manager
  • Manager#employees
    • returns an list of all the employee instances that the manager oversees
  • Manager.all
    • returns an list of all the managers
  • Manager#hire_employee
    • takes a String argument and a number argument of an employee's name and the employee's salary, respectively, and adds that employee to the list of employees that the manager oversees
  • Manager.all_departments
    • returns an list of all the department names that every manager oversees
  • Manager.average_age
    • returns a Float that is the average age of all the managers


  • Employee#name
    • returns a String that is the employee's name
  • Employee#salary
    • returns a Number that is the employee's salary
  • Employee#manager_name
    • returns a String that is the name of their manager
  • Employee.all
    • returns an List of all the employee instances
  • Employee.paid_over
    • takes a Number argument and returns an List of all the employee instances whose salaries are over that amount
  • Employee.find_by_department
    • takes a String argument that is the name of a department and returns the first employee whose manager is working in that department
  • Employee#tax_bracket
    • returns an List of all the employee instances whose salaries are within $1000 (± 1000) of the employee who invoked the method