
Some scripts to streamline nand2tetris's chip testing.

Primary LanguageShell


I came up with this Bash script that allows me test my chips very quickly from the command line. I made it for a Unix style system (OS X and Linux) but it might work on Windows if you use Putty.

This repo has several redundant versions:

  • test-all is the recommended version.
  • test-all-monochrome is the same as test-all except that it does not colorize its output. Use this if your terminal does not support ANSI color codes.
  • test-all-simple is the original and simplest version. It does the same job as test-all but it does not format its output.
  • test-all-OSX.command is the same as test-all except that it can be run by double clicking it in Finder. This one needs to be installed differently (see below.)

Install and Use

test-all, test-all-monochrome, and test-all-simple

  1. Save the script in your projects folder.
  2. Make sure it's executable.
    chmod +x test-all
  3. cd into the project you want to test.
  4. Run it by typing
It should print something like
Testing RAM8 ... pass
Testing Register ... pass
Testing RightArithmeticBitshift ... pass
All tests passed!
on your terminal.


  1. Save test-all-OSX.command into the same folder as your chips.
  2. Run it by double clicking it in Finder.
A terminal window should open and display the same output as test-all.

Command line with no script file.

This is the same as test-all-simple.
  1. cd into the project you want to test
  2. Copy/paste this into the command line.
    for i in *.tst; do echo "Testing $i ..."; ../../tools/HardwareSimulator.sh $i; done