
JS Bookmarklet to pull Song / Album information from various websites

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Music-Meta-Dom-Scraper Netlify Status

What is this?

Very basic JS Bookmarklet to pull Song / Album Discography information from various websites when you are on a webpage that has song metadata, and lets you copy and paste into a spreadsheet or JSON file.

Useful for those obsessed over cataloging their music and tracking it by hand (probably very few people).


Demo GIF

What it is not

This does not use an API or headless browser; you have to navigate to the source itself and press the bookmarklet. It is not designed around bulk data extraction, other than an album at a time. I do not have plans to turn this into anything more complicated than it is already is.

Supported sites

Right now, only:

  • AllMusic
  • Discogs
  • Bing search results
  • Google search result (usually)
  • Spotify (most pages)
  • Tidal (currently playing only)

This repo was mainly created as a way to consolidate the code from two separate bookmarklets I had to use scrape those sources separately.

Short write-up
