
Collection of prebuilt workspaces so you can *quickly* try out different languages and frameworks!

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Collection of prebuilt workspaces so you can quickly try out different languages and frameworks!

For right now, these will mostly be links to online pre-configured sandboxes, like replit, Glitch, etc.

I wanted to put this together because of the number of times when I've needed a temporary workspace just to test an idea or reproduce an issue from StackOverflow to help answer a question, and it has taken me longer than I would have liked to setup a test environment.

Help make this better:

PRs are welcome! However, no unnecessary self-promotion, and for adding links, please strip off tracking parameters and keep clean.

Future thoughts:

In the future, I think it would be neat if this repo contained actual subdirectories with a scaffolding system. So you could clone the repo, and then to scaffold a playground / workspace for any given language framework, all you would have to do is either run a top-level CLI command, like setup nodejs, or navigate to the directory and run npm run init. Something like that.

Collection Links

These are links to other collections of scratchpad scaffolding solutions.

Host Link Notes
VS Code - CodeSwing Extension Link An extension for Visual Studio Code that essentially provides the functionality of a regular web playground (such as CodePen), but in a local environment. No messing with environment, tooling, or dependencies - just pick a template and get coding with live preview!
replit replit - Languages Create a repl based on language, framework, and more!
replit replit - Templates User-submitted templates
glitch glitch - hello worlds Various starter templates
glitch glitch - starters Various starter templates
CodeSandbox New Sandbox Start with a template
CodeSandbox Template repo The official CodeSandbox repo for templates. You can use this, or any public repo as a template source!

Options that have been retired:

Name & Link What Date Retired
Katacoda Dozens of different playground types, including NodeJS, Dotnet, and more. June 15th, 2022


Standard Web (HTML + CSS + JS)

Platform & Link Hosted Notes
CodePen Online NA
JSFiddle Online NA
replit Online NA
CodeSandbox Online NA


Platform & Link Hosted Notes
replit Online Executes with Node
CodeSandbox Online Includes HTML
StackBlitz Online Includes HTML, mixes NodeJS
Chrome DevTools - Snippets Local If you simply need to test a bit of JS, why not try using your web browser?! Chrome has support for "snippets", which are single file JS scratchpads which are saved and managed by the browser. Or you can always copy and paste into the browser console!
Firefox DevTools - Scratchpad Local You can press Shift + F4 to bring up a temporary JS scratchpad!

> Warning: This will be deprecated soon.
This is now fully deprecated 😞

JavaScript - NodeJS Flavored

Quick disclaimer: A lot of online sandboxes will mix together NodeJS environments (think __dirname) and web environments (think document.location). For example, Glitch will allow you to add a package.json file and start using NodeJS packages with JS, while also mixing in static HTML + vanilla JS serving. The boundaries between the two systems are not always clearly defined...

Platform & Link Hosted Notes
replit Online NA
CodeSandbox Online NA
StackBlitz Online This is really just their "JS" starter, but it uses NodeJS to execute
Glitch Online NA
Runkit Online Limited, meant for testing a single NPM package at a time.

NodeJS - Quick Options

There are tons of ways you can quickly write and execute bits of JS with a locally installed version of NodeJS. I've written up a longer summary in this post, but here are some bullet points:

  • REPL
    • CLI: Type node and press enter to start REPL
    • You can use .editor to write with line breaks and wait to execute until you are ready
  • Execute any JS file with Node
    • CLI: node {filepath}
    • Example: echo console.log("hello!") > test.js && node test.js
  • Eval with print
    • CLI: node -p "{javascriptAsString}"
    • Example: node -p "Math.round(Math.random()*100)"
  • Pipe non-js file to eval:
    • CLI: echo console.log("in txt file"); > test.txt && less -FX test.txt | node -p
  • ... and many more methods!


Platform & Link Hosted Notes
replit Online NA
OnlineGDB Online NA
paiza.io Online NA
RCRL Local Cross-Platform
Cling Local Unix


Platform & Link Hosted Notes
replit Online NA
CodeSandbox Online NA
python.org shell Online REPL mode only
OnlineGDB Online NA
paiza.io Online NA
trinket.io Online Shareable, multi-file support. Similar to Glitch.
CLI Local There are many options for executing bits of Python locally, similar to NodeJS, which I'll explore below.

Python - Quick Options

This is a really good writeup of quick local execution options - from realpython.com.

Here is an additional summary of some options:

  • Use the Python interpreter binary as a REPL
    • Either launch the binary, or call it via the registered path.
      • On Windows, this means either launching python.exe, or from the Command Prompt, type python and hit enter
      • You can end a line with \ or ;\ to start a multiline entry
  • Execute a file containing Python with the interpreter:
    • python {filename}
    • The file does not have to end in .py extension
  • Use IDLE, the slim editor/shell combo that ships with Python
    • It usually comes bundled with the Python installer
    • You can use it in shell mode (like REPL), or write actual files
  • Use built-in IDE tools or extensions:


Platform & Link Hosted Notes
typescriptlang.org/play Online Instant TS -> JS transpile
replit Online Executes with Node
CodeSandbox Online Includes HTML
StackBlitz Online NA


Platform & Link Hosted Notes
SassMeister Online NA
fiddlesalad Online Lots of ui cruft.


UI Frameworks


Platform & Link Notes
replit JavaScript
CodeSandbox JavaScript
CodeSandbox TypeScript
StackBlitz JavaScript
glitch JavaScript


Platform & Link Notes
CodeSandbox JavaScript
CodeSandbox TypeScript - I think this needs fixes...


Platform & Link Notes
Svelte Official Repl Supports multi-file, saving, and sharing!
CodeSandbox JavaScript



cd playgrounds
docker-compose -f wordpress/docker-compose.yml up -d

Code directory will be auto-created in playgrounds/wordpress/src, which you can edit.