
zero downtime deployment for your node.js server using native cluster api

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


  • Zero downtime code deployment
  • Ability to change environment variables of workers with zero downtime
  • Resuscitation - when a worker dies it is restarted
  • Redirect worker stdout and stderr to rotating gzipped log files
  • Runs as daemon, providing ability to start and stop


To use naught, your node.js server has 2 requirements.

  1. Once the server is fully booted and is readily accepting connections,


    Usually this is done in the listening event for a node server, for example:

    server = http.createServer(...);
    server.listen(80, function () {
      if (process.send) process.send('online');
  2. Listen to the shutdown message and shutdown gracefully. This message is emitted after there is already a newer instance of your server online and taking care of business:

    process.on('message', function(message) {
      if (message === 'shutdown') {

    If your server has no long-lived connections, you may skip this step. However, note that most node.js apps do have long lived connections. In fact, by default, the connection: keep-alive header is sent with every request.

    When you receive the shutdown message, either close all open connections or call process.exit().


If you want to deploy on a restricted port such as 80 or 443 without sudo, try authbind.

Note that there are 3 layers of process spawning between the naught CLI and your server. So you'll want to use the --deep option with authbind.


naught start [options] server.js [script-options]

    Starts server.js as a daemon passing script-options as command
    line arguments.

    Each worker's stdout and stderr are redirected to a log files
    specified by the `stdout` and `stderr` parameters. When a log file
    becomes larger than `max-log-size`, the log file is renamed using the
    current date and time, and a new log file is opened.

    With naught, you can use `console.log` and friends. Because naught
    pipes the output into a log file, node.js treats stdout and stderr
    as asynchronous streams.

    If you don't want a particular log, use `/dev/null` for the path. Naught
    special cases this filename and disables that log altogether.

    Creates an `ipc-file` which naught uses to communicate with your
    server once it has started.

    Available options and their defaults:

    --worker-count 1
    --ipc-file naught.ipc
    --log naught.log
    --stdout stdout.log
    --stderr stderr.log
    --max-log-size 10485760
    --cwd .
    --node-args ''

naught stop [options] [ipc-file]

    Stops the running server which created `ipc-file`.
    Uses `naught.ipc` by default.

    This sends the 'shutdown' message to all the workers and waits for
    them to exit gracefully.

    If you specify a timeout, naught will forcefully kill your workers
    if they do not shut down gracefully within the timeout.

    Available options and their defaults:

        --timeout none

naught status [ipc-file]

    Displays whether a server is running or not.
    Uses `naught.ipc` by default.

naught deploy [options] [ipc-file]

    Replaces workers with new workers using new code and optionally
    the environment variables from this command.

    Naught spawns all the new workers and waits for them to all become
    online before killing a single old worker. This guarantees zero
    downtime if any of the new workers fail and provides the ability to
    cleanly abort the deployment if it hangs.

    A hanging deploy happens when a new worker fails to emit the 'online'
    message, or when an old worker fails to shutdown upon receiving the
    'shutdown' message. A keyboard interrupt will cause a deploy-abort,
    cleanly and with zero downtime.

    If `timeout` is specified, naught will automatically abort the deploy
    if it does not finish within those seconds.

    If `override-env` is true, the environment varibables that are set with
    this command are used to override the original environment variables
    used with the `start` command. If any variables are missing, the
    original values are left intact.

    Uses `naught.ipc` by default.

    Available options and their defaults:

        --override-env true
        --timeout none

naught deploy-abort [ipc-file]

    Aborts a hanging deploy. A hanging deploy happens when a new worker
    fails to emit the 'online' message, or when an old worker fails
    to shutdown upon receiving the 'shutdown' message.

    When deploying, a keyboard interrupt will cause a deploy-abort,
    so the times you actually have to run this command will be few and
    far between.

    Uses `naught.ipc` by default.

naught version

    Prints the version of naught and exits.

naught help [cmd]

    Displays help for cmd.