
A specialized data conversion utility for importing data from one ERP system to another using Excel.

Primary LanguageC++

Manage Kinetic

A conversion utility designed for converting the data from one ERP system to another using Microsoft Excel as the transport layer.

Using Manage Kinetic

Loading Tables

In order to use Manage Kinetic, you must first have a delimited data source. This source file can be defined to use any delimiter as long as the delimiter settings match the ones defined within Manage Kinetic. By default, all fields within a given record are delimited using a semicolon.

john doe;my company;123 business laneýsuite 2;65432;california

In order to meet the multivalue requirements, any fields with data seperated by the character value of 0xFD will be treated as multivalue fields. In the above example record, the third field within contains a multivalue field which separates address line one and address line two.

Once a data source is loaded, a table displaying the imported data source will be shown. This table represents the parsed and split data source. Each column is given a default heading such as "Column F0", "Column F1", and so on. These headings aren't representative of their column names from the import and are for reference only.

Mapping Tables

Use the Table Mapping tab in the menu bar to open a "New Column Map" to begin mapping. This will create a new window which displays all the available columns. Select the column that you wish to map and apply the settings. A preview will be available which shows how the map will look. The preview will show "Column F0 / Identifying Key" and the mapped column. The "Column F0" serves as a reference and is assumed to be the unique identifier from the import.

  • Alias Name: Corresponds to the export column name.

  • Use all Multivalues?: Checking this box will prompt the export to use all multivalues in the export, separated by a delimiter.

  • Multivalue Delimiter: If "Use all Multivalues?" is checked, this value will be used to separate all given multivalues during export.

  • Multivalue Index: This value determines which multivalue index to use during export. In most cases, a value of one refers to the first value in the field, regardless if the field itself is multivalue. A fields within a record are assumed multivalue, and any given index within the field is assumed valid and will always return a value, valid or empty. You can change this value to point to a different index for export.

In order to save the column map, you must provide an alias name. Once saved, it will be available in the "Export Preview" tab on the main window.

Saving Table Schemas

When creating table maps, you will probably want to save them to a file to load them up at a later time. To do this, use the Table Mapping tab in the menu bar, select "Save Map" or "Load Map". Doing this will overwrite any existing maps you have currently open. Saving a map may overwrite a map of an existing name, so use unique names for each map.


Once you have built a map and are ready to export to Excel, go to the menu bar and select File and then Export As. This dialogue will bring up a prompt to type in the name of the file. This file name will not reflect the file name of the output, but rather the base file name. When Manage Kinetic exports to excel, it will append a number which represents the subtable splits.

Once you have selected a file name and hit okay, a popup will come up showing the export progress. This will take some time so please be patient. Once it is complete, you will find the excel documents in the location which you saved it.

Build Manage Kinetic

In order to build Manage Kinetic, you will need CMake and Visual Studio. C++17 is required in order to use OpenXLSX. There are no build dependencies, you simply just need to run "build.ps1" or "build_release.ps1" and it should automatically run configuration and build for you.

System Requirements

Manage Kinetic runs on OpenGL and requires a machine with a "modern" CPU that can support basic OpenGL. This means most PCs can run this program. However, the parsing routine and export routines are memory intensive and require 1-2GB of RAM for moderate to large datasets. For large datasets, 3-4GB may be required for concurrent export. Most machines should still be able to run this program.