In this project, we present an analysis of the authorship attribution model the team implemented, and discuss about the various approaches that were used or considered for the task. The particular aim of this authorship attribution model is to take in tweets in text forms and predict the corresponding authors individually, based on the tweets corpus that is provided. In this project, there are around 10k authors and it is virtually impossible for human reader to identify authorship. – contains a single text file representing the training set of over 328k tweets authored by roughly 10k Twitter users. The file is tab-delimited with two columns: (1) a random ID assigned to each user in the dataset; (2) transformed text of a tweet.
test_tweets_unlabeled.txt – a text file representing the unlabelled test set of over 35k tweets authored by the same users as in the training dataset. These authors have been removed from the file. It is your task to identify them. An original file of all tweets combined was split with each tweet randomly assigned to test with probability 0.1 and train with probability 0.9 (subject to constraints that users
The data used in model training is a single text file that contains 328k tweets authored by almost 10k Twitter users. Tweets could contain a lot of irregular patterns, and some of the information could be difficult to capture. However, this diversity of language usage and twitter features also indicates the tweeting styles of particular authors and could provide additional knowledge for classification. There are four main tweet characteristics that could be used to identify particular authors: Topic: What content the author tends to tweet about? (Finance, politics or personal life etc.) Word usage: What type of words does the author use? (simple language, academic English, or the use of slang, etc.) Punctuation (Ex. Does the author have a higher tendency of using exclamation marks?) Emojis: The tendency of using emojis in tweets.
The bag-of-words method could gather the information on the topic and the word usage of the tweet by collecting these words in lower letter: ‘director’, ‘global’, ‘brand’ & ‘marketing’ etc. In order to for emojis, hashtag signs, special characters, numbers and punctuation to be considered as individual ‘words’ in our bag-of-words methods, extra spaces are padded around these features in preprocessing. Link URLs and @handle are also replaced in each tweet as #http and #handle respectively to capture the use of links and handles. The improvement of accuracy is shown in Figure1 with the additional features specified, using Naive Bayes as the example.
In this project, various learners were attempted to classify authors. We first experimented with some deep learning models and faced significant challenges in terms of increasing the prediction accuracy, then we tried out classical Machine Learning approaches at the end to obtain better results.
Deep Learning Approaches: Neural Net, BERT [1] & FastText [2] We experimented with a Feed Forward neural net with one hidden layer consisting of 1000 nodes (with l2 regulariser), a batch normalisation layer and a dropout layer. Train accuracy was reported to be 3%. Once evaluated on the test set accuracy dropped to below 1%. Although a regulariser, batch normalisation and dropout were included there was still evidence of overfitting. Neural word embeddings are also some common practices for encapsulating distributional semantics. Both BERT and FastText are some state-of-art open sourced neural word-embeddings methods. With limited computational resources, the model only observed ~0.1% accuracy with BERT and around 4.5% using FastText. It is likely that the model was so complex (many learnable parameters) it fitted random noise in the data. In addition, the number of tweets per author was quite low (averaging ~38 tweets) so if the pool of authors decreased and there were more tweets per author it is likely we would see an overall improvement in accuracy.
Classical Machine Learning Approaches: Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression & Linear SVM From Table 1, the classical machine learning approaches have performed significantly better in terms of identifying authors of tweets. This outcome is likely due to the high dimensionality and sparseness of feature vector results and the non-uniformly distributed volume of tweets among authors. Compared to classical machine learning methods, deep learning approaches require large number of data and long training time to achieve decent performances. It is likely that with this dataset, deep learning methods have not avoided overfitting and have converged to biased results. It was found that the Linear SVM (with stochastic gradient descent) performed the best out of all the learners attempted. The reported accuracy was approximately 19%. The SVM seems to be capable of capturing more information using a larger number of features. In this case, the SVM is the most suitable model to maximise the learning with training set of this scale.
Overfitting is often a problem machine learning algorithms suffer. In order to tackle the issue of overfitting in our model, we explored the use of regularisation. Compared to other models attempted (such as the neural net), linear SVM is relatively simple in terms of the learnable parameters in the model. And the selection of the model per-se combats some extent of over-fitting since the model is less likely to fit random noise with less parameters. On top of model selection, regularisation is a technique that discourages the learning of more complex model, so as to avoid over-fitting. A penalty term which dictates the penalisation of model complexity is added to the loss function. Therefore, the use of regularisation reduces the variance of the model, without substantially increasing model bias. For the linear SVM we implemented, a penalty term involving l2 (ridge) regularisation was added to the loss function. As the penalty term grows, the number of wrongly classified point decreases. However, when lambda reaches infinity, the model approaches a hard-margin SVM which allows no miss-classification, otherwise there would be infinite loss. It should also be noted that we were dealing with a very large data set so the linear SVM was very slow to train. Hence, the problem was reformulated to use the SGDClassifier class, with hinge loss and . Where m=2 if the l2 norm is used for the loss function.
- Non-linear SVM instead of linear SVM: Linear SVM is a parametric model that is much less tunable than a SVM with RBF kernel. Using SVM with a non-linear kernel (Gaussian, rbf, poly etc.) could potentially capture more interactions between features.
- Extract certain number word features per user: In the bag-of-words implementation in this project, we extract top n feature in the whole training set. However, that can potentially fail to capture the features that occur less frequently overall. For example, non-English words are unlikely to make it to the top n features in our implementation but could be very informative to identify certain users. In future implementation, we can potentially extract the most frequent words per user to ensure that the bag contains sufficient information on each user.
- Use text parsing to get syntactic structures as features: Instead of focusing on words and symbols, syntactic structures could provide a means to trace tweets similarity by the same authors. For example, some users may prefer to use superfluous attributive clause, but other users prefer to be minimalist.
- Extensive GridSearch: For the Linear SVM this includes searching over the kernels, regularisation coefficient, type of regulariser, learning rate and possibly other hyperparameters. Therefore, resulting in the most optimal model.