Advent of Code 2022 - Deno

Hello! These are my Advent of Code (AoC) solutions using Deno and Typescript. Deno is a modern JavaScript runtime made by the creator of Node. Check out the installation intructions to get Deno set up on your platform.

I have created a rudimentary script, fetch_day.ts, to pull down the instructions and input for each day of the advent. It also creates a simple TypeScript solution file, with some of the boilerplate prepopulated. Run this script in your project directory using Deno,

deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write fetch_day.ts DAY SESSION

Replace DAY with the day you want to fetch and SESSION with the session cookie value found in your web browser after signing in to the AoC website. For example,

deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write fetch_day.ts 3 verylongalphanumericstringhere

PLEASE BE MINDFUL of how often you query the AoC website.

As you work on your solution, you can run it with a similar command,

deno run --allow-read day1.ts

Take the output, paste it into the answer box on the AoC website, and you are good to go.

Happy coding and merry Christmas! :)