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Docker container with CUPS, Apple AirPrint and Google Cloud Print.
At the moment it seems to be working. Only Google Local Print is supported until I can figure out how to allow users to generate config for GCP. If you have a config file, you can store this in the root of your config folder as gcp-cups-connector.config.json
and it'll automatically be used.
- Configure mappings:
Type | Container | Client |
Path | /dev | /dev |
Path | /avahi | /etc/avahi/services |
Path | /var/run/dbus | /var/run/dbus |
Path | /config | wherever you want CUPS config stored |
Port | 631 | 631 |
Variable | CUPS_USER_ADMIN | admin (or whatever you want - for logging in to CUPS) |
Variable | CUPS_USER_PASSWORD | pass (or whatever you want) |
- Other requirements
- Host networking (--net="host") appears to be needed for GCP and Avahi to work
- privileged (--privileged="true") appears to be needed
Typical startup command might be: '''docker run -d --name="cups-google-print" --net="host" --privileged="true" -e TZ="UTC" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "CUPS_USER_ADMIN"="admin" -e "CUPS_USER_PASSWORD"="pass" -e "TCP_PORT_631"="631" -v "/mnt/user/appdata/cups-google-print":"/config":rw -v /dev:/dev -v /etc/avahi/services:/avahi -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus mnbf9rca/cups-google-print'''
- originally from
- Removed Chrome and Samsung drivers, and incorporated