This is a small library to manipulate structures (golang struct) that comes from database and converts them into slice of bytes or strings I did it for a job I had to do to generate a CSV file from a database the problem I found is that the golang encoding/csv library requires that it be []string csv Write
go get
Considering the fallowing struct
package main
import (
type Person struct {
Name string `col:"name"`
LastName string `col:"Last Name"`
Age int `col:"age"`
func main() {
x := []Result{Result{"josue", "Rodriguez", 78}, Result{"Alanis", "Rodriguez", 12}}
res := utils.ToSlice(x)
[{josue Rodriguez 78} {Alanis Rodriguez 12}]
the difference here is that reflect is used to validate concrete type
same struct example
package main
import (
type Person struct {
Name string `col:"name"`
LastName string `col:"Last Name"`
Age int `col:"age"`
func main() {
x := []Result{Result{"josue", "Rodriguez", 78}, Result{"Alanis", "Rodriguez", 12}}
res := utils.GenerateRows(x)
[[Name Last Name] [josue Rodriguez] [Alanis Rodriguez]]
as you can see this will be extremely useful to generate CSV files, the generate type is ready to work with golang encoding/csv standard library
same struct example
package main
import (
type Person struct {
Name string `col:"name"`
LastName string `col:"Last Name"`
Age int `col:"age"`
func main() {
x := []Result{Result{"josue", "Rodriguez", 39}, Result{"Alanis", "Rodriguez", 12}}
// Using utils library to generate [][]string from struct
res := utils.GenerateRows(x)
// creating the file on the file system
file, err := os.Create("result.csv")
if err != nil {
writer := csv.NewWriter(file)
for _, row := range res {
// here we write the data to the csv file
defer writer.Flush()
Name, Lastname, age
josue, Rodriguez, 78
alanis, Rodriguez, 12