
This repo contains materials for use in a NASA GeneLab Data Curation workshop.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Container information:

Name Use Dockerfile location
workshop-genelab Demo notebooks Dockerfile in top-level of repository
mapd-ce-cuda Omnisci Core Omnisci


To build the nasa-genelab-workshop container, clone the repo and cd into it.

To build the container, run:

docker build -t workshop-genelab .


If you need to move the containers to a new machine, run:

docker save -o workshop-genelab.tar workshop-genelab

gzip workshop-genelab.tar

You will then have files which can be moved to the new machine: workshop-genelab.tar.gz.


If running for the first time, make sure you have nvidia-docker installed and run it first.

nvidia-docker run -it nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi


If you have not signed up for OmniSci Cloud, signup for the trial version to get API access to OmniSci core instance in order to run your notebooks. Once signed up, change the connection parameters in your notebook to the following:

username = '<API KEY>'
password = '<SECRECT KEY>'
hostname = 'use2-api.omnisci.cloud'
port = 443
protocol = 'https'


docker-compose up

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