
Webinterface to Apache Solr to make a PACS searchable

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

A meta crawler for PACS

Build Status


This web application lets the user search through a PACS meta data. The data needs to be stored on a Apache Solr instance.

Running the application


To run the application, python 3.6 is needed. To manage the python environment Anaconda is the recommended way to manage different python versions.

Python libraries needed are noted in the requirements.txt

Setup Solr

  • Install solr, see the Solr website on how to do it
  • Create a core with solr create -c <core_name>
  • Delete the managed-schema file (path would be something like /usr/local/solr-6.2.1/server/solr/<core_name>/conf)
  • Copy import/schema/schema.xml to the solr conf dir
  • In solrconfig.xml check/do
    • Remove any ManagedIndexSchemaFactory definition if it exists
    • Add <schemaFactory class="ClassicIndexSchemaFactory"/>


There is a settings.py file which holds all configuration options to setup

Create a directory called instance and create a file called config.cfg. This holds all instance specifig configuration options.

An example would be:

# Don't show transfer and download options


To run the application run

python runserver.python

Run development mode

Another option is to use nodemon which also allows to reload on changes. The advantage is that even with compile errors the nodemon is still able to reload while the flask dev server crashes and needs to be manually restarted. To run with nodemon run


Run tests and coverage

python -m unittest
coverage run --source=. -m unittest

# generate console reports
coverage report

# generate html reports
coverage html -d coverage