
Tutorials on building Windows Phone 7 and 8 apps using App42 API and AppWarp.

Primary LanguageC#


Tutorials on building Windows Phone 7 and 8 apps using App42 API and AppWarp.


  1. [Sign Up] (https://apphq.shephertz.com/register?appwarp=true) for new account if you are already registered then [Sign In] (https://apphq.shephertz.com/register/app42Login?appwarp=true) .

  2. Now create app (AppWarp) on this website by clicking on Create App button and then checking on Warp Cloud API App check box. You will get API_KEY and SECRET_KEY. Provide API_KEY and SECRET_KEY in GlobalContext.cs file's parameter with same names.

  3. Create room and get its room id at same website. Provide Room ID in GlobalContext.cs file's parameter named GameRoomId. Note: While creating room for tic tac toe specify max user as 2.

  4. Open solution file in VisualStudio 2k10(For Win7 Phone) or 2k12 (For Win8 Phone)

  5. To run in emulator just Run the project or click on debug in IDE . We Can run 2 instances on a single machine or one instance on one machine and other on differnt OS machine or even on different Window Mobile Phone.

  6. To Run it on Window 7 or Window 8 phone use TicTacToeAppWarp.xap file with Zune software to Install game . File will be obtained after building solution in following folder- (Tutorials_WP_7_8\TicTacToeAppWarp\Bin\Debug).

  7. How to play the game.

  8. Once one user Join the game by entering his name and clicking on join button he or she will have to wait till second user join.

  9. Once Second user will join first user will get message to start game by his move and second player will have to wait till first player make a move and game proceed with alternate moves of both players.

  10. User clicking on new game button before game completion will lose game and new game will be initialized.

  11. User clicking on end game button before game completion will lose game and other user will get notification of it.

  12. Blocked Zipped file issue

    1. If downloaded files are in zip format sometimes we need to unblock it before Unzipping it (by clicking on zipped file and then clicking on property we will get Unblock checkbox).