
A complete shopify node client library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


shopnode provides a complete, well-documented library for communicating with the powerful shopping cart platform shopify.

The code builds on nodeify using restify in the backend for performance and logging functionality.

What do you get with shopnode?

  • Complete support for the latest shopify api (let me know if it's missing something)
  • Uses the Restify module behind the scenes
  • Documentation (a work in progress)
  • Example code

Using shopnode

Setting up a shopnode session

var Shopnode = require('shopnode');

// Basic Authentication
var shopnode = new Shopnode({

// OAuth 2.0
var shopnode = new Shopnode({
  • storeHost - the store url without the https
  • apiKey - the key found in the admin section of your store
  • password - for private apps, this will be available. Public apps must used
  • sharedKey - for apps using OAuth 2.0, a shared key is required

Making a call

Before making an api call, it's important to read and understand the Shopify Api. The POST/PUT/GET/DELETE methods all have specific parameters for each.

Returning all webhooks

shopnode.webhooks.getAll(function (err, req, res, obj) {

    console.log('Server returned: %j', obj.body);

Returning one order with where id = 12345

shopnode.orders.get({id: 12345}, {/* Empty query string */},
    function (err, req, res, obj) {

    console.log('Server returned: %j', obj.body);

Creating a customer

        "customer": {
            "first_name": "Steve",
            "last_name": "Lastnameson",
            "email": "steve.lastnameson@lastnamesonco.com",
            "addresses": [
                    "address1": "123 Oak St",
                    "city": "Ottawa",
                    "country": "CA",
                    "first_name": "Mother",
                    "last_name": "Lastnameson",
                    "phone": "555-1212",
                    "province": "ON",
                    "zip": "123 ABC"
    },function(err, req, res, obj){

        console.log('Server returned: %j', obj.body);

Many resources support basic CRUD operations and have the following signatures:

post(params (optional), data, callback); put(params, data, callback); get(params, queryString, callback); getAll(params (optional), queryString (optional), callback);

  • params is an object which will be used to the generate url
  • data is an object which will be seralized in all post and put calls
  • queryString is an object which will be converted into a query string (i.e. ?name=value&name2=value2)

Additional Resources